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Souhajin (ToD2)

Souhajin as it appears in Tales of Destiny 2.

Azure Edge (蒼破刃 Souhajin?, "Azure Tearing Edge") is a projectile strike arte in the Tales series that usually serves as the basic-ranged technique for a sword user without access to the Demon Fang arte.

Arte Description and History[]

Azure Edge originally appears as an arte available to Kyle Dunamis that replaces the traditional Demon Fang. It is similar to Demon Fang in that it can be used from long range, though it travels through the air rather than along the ground. It can be extended into Azure Storm with the Tsuika Tokugi (追加特技?, "Additional Base Arte") skill enchant equipped. In Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology, Azure Edge is green in the original Japanese version of the game, but it was recolored to blue in the North American release and has remained blue in the subsequent appearances; this difference can be traced to the complexity of the blue–green distinction in the Japanese language.

In Tales of Vesperia, Azure Edge appears as the starting base arte for Yuri Lowell. Yuri slashes his weapon through air, which sends a blue blast through the air at the enemy, dealing Wind-elemental damage. It can also become faster and travel slightly farther with more use. Azure Edge is also the original arte of two altered artes in the game, Azure Storm and Azure Blast. In the PlayStation 3 and Definitive Edition ports of the game, Azure Edge is key in unlocking the Twin Wave mystic arte. In Tales of Hearts, Azure Edge is a combination arte performed by Kor Meteor using Kuuretsusen and Hisui Hearts using Stream Arrow.

In Project X Zone, Yuri performs three normal attacks after using Azure Edge, while in Project X Zone 2, the order of execution is reversed.


Azure Edge (ToV)

Azure Edge as it appears in Tales of Vesperia.

Original Titles

Crossover Titles

CD Dramas



Fan-Translated Names[]

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Destiny 2[]

Japanese Description: 斬撃と、生じる真空波による飛び道具を放つ特技。

Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut[]

Japanese Description: 疾風の衝撃波を放つ術剣技。敵の弾幕を貫いて攻撃できる。
Translated Description (Life Bottle Productions): "Pummel foes by spawning waves of distortion. It can penetrate a foe's guard."

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology[]

Localized Description: "Base: Blue steel slices the air, creating a vacuum that crushes the enemy."

Tales of Vesperia[]

Japanese Description: 疾風の衝撃波を放つ特技。離れた敵を攻撃できる
Localized Description: "Base Arte: Unleash the force of the wind. Able to attack far away enemies."

Alternate Japanese Quote: 蒼破!
Alternate Localized Quote: "Azure!"

Tales of Hearts R[]

Japanese Description: 剣を振るって衝撃弾を放つ技
Localized Description: "Throws a powerful projectile of pure energy from the end of the sword."

Tales of Xillia 2[]

Japanese Description: 風圧を剣に纏い、短距離を薙ぐ武身技。剣も当てると2ヒット。
Localized Description: "Send blades of air to attack at a distance. The sword slash can also count as a hit."

User: Victor
Japanese Quote: 蒼破!

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 素早い斬撃により生み出した真空波を敵にぶつける
Localized Description: "A fast strike that pummels foes by spawning waves of distortion."
