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Apathy is a recurring concept in the Tales series. It is a state affecting an individual that results in their indifference to happenings around them.


A common occurence in the series is the state of apathy affecting one of party members. While apathetic characters are generally characterized with lack of emotions some titles may include other variations of indifference, like lack of need to sleep.

Appearances in Original Titles[]

Tales of Symphonia[]

In Tales of Symphonia, during the Journey of Regeneration the Chosen Colette Brunel travels across Sylvarant and breaks seals. During this process she looses various senses and by the time of breaking the final seal she looses all emotion and becomes soulless. Later on Lloyd Irving makes a Key Crest for her which reverts her apathetic disposition.

Presea Combatir uses an Exsphere to help her ill father. The extended use of the Exsphere halted Presea's physical growth and rendered her emotionless. Later when the party forges a Key Crest for her she begins aging anew and her emotions start to resurface.

Tales of Hearts[]

In Tales of Hearts, Kohaku Hearts is forced in a state of apathy during an ambush from Incarose when she, her brother Hisui Hearts and Kor Meteor retrieve a Soma from a shrine. Later on the three depart on a journey to collect shards of Kohaku's Spiria Core.

Tales of Graces[]

At the beginning of Tales of Graces Sophie is sort of apathetic due to her amnesia. As she travels with Asbel Lhant, Hubert Oswell, Cheria Barnes, and Richard she starts to develop bonds and emotions.

Tales of Xillia[]

In Tales of Xillia, after Milla Maxwell sacrifices herself aboard E.S.S. Zenethra, her soul is rescued by the Four Great Spirits. Milla awakens in the Spirit Realm, however she is an empty shell, devoid of any emotion. As she and the Four Great Spirits travel across the Realm they learn that Milla is hunted for the sin of false reincarnation. Ultimately Milla retrieves her memories and incarnates in her old self, her emotions returning as well.
