Aselia Wiki

Aquaspiral (アクアスパイラル Akuasupairaru?), also localized as Aqua Spiral, is a Water-elemental gun arte in the Tales series.

Arte Description and History[]

When this attack is executed, the user launches a spiraling burst of water forward, piercing the enemy and hitting them multiple times. When used by Max, this arte can be converted into Aqua Cure via various mechanisms depending on the game, canceling its damage effect in favor of healing himself.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

Other Titles

Fan-Translated Names[]

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Eternia[]

Japanese Description: 水圧の槍が敵を貫き尽くす銃技
Localized Description: "The enemy is speared by intense water pressure."[1]

Tales of Innocence[]

Japanese Description: 水属性の大型弾を撃ち出す奥義
Translated Description (Absolute Zero): "Arcane: Fire an enormous blast of water."

Tales of Hearts R[]

Japanese Quote: 当たれ!アクアスパイラル!

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description:


Japanese Quote: 行くぜぃ?アクアスパイラル!

