Arc Fire (タイドバレット / タイド・バレット Taidobaretto / Taido Baretto?, "Tide Bullet") is a recurring gun strike arte in the Tales series.
Arte Description and History[]
In its original appearance, when used by Illia Animi, she fires a bullet into the ground that forms a pool of water.
In Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2, Alvin shoots several flaming bullets in an arc at the ground. This arte is Fire-elemental and forces downed enemies to stand after 200 uses, and in Tales of Xillia 2 only, it gains an additional hit and increased area of effect after 400 uses.
When used by Ludger Will Kresnik and Victor in the sequel, they shoot an "X" on the ground in front of them with their dual pistols, and each shot conjures a small pillar of water. This arte is Water-elemental and Ludger's version deals critical damage on downed enemies, and the number of hits increases after 100 and 200 uses.
In Tales of Crestoria, Vicious makes a fireball erupt from the enemy's feet before axe kicking them back down, followed by several gunshots. His version includes the interpunct between "Tide" and Bullet".
In Tales of the Rays, Illia's version is Water-elemental while Alvin's version is Fire-elemental. Vicious's Arc Fire is divided into two artes with each taking a half of the original's animations: the first one called Tide Bullet 1st (タイド・バレット1st Taido Baretto 1st?) which takes the first half with an added counterclockwise spin kick before the pillar, and if immediately followed by Tide Bullet 1st, it will extend into Tide Bullet 2nd (タイド・バレット2nd Taido Baretto 2nd?), which takes the second half. Both of these artes in Tales of the Rays are Fire-elemental.
Appearances (Arc Fire)[]
Original Titles
- Tales of Innocence - Illia Animi
- Tales of Hearts - Support Arte: Illia Animi
- Tales of Xillia - Alvin (Arc Fire)
- Tales of Xillia 2 - Ludger Will Kresnik, Alvin, Victor (Arc Fire)
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - Pirate job, Illia Animi
- Tales of VS. - Illia Animi
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Pirate job, Illia Animi
- Tales of Asteria - Alvin, Ludger Will Kresnik, Vicious
- Tales of the Rays - Illia Animi, Alvin
- Tales of Crestoria - Vicious (Arc Fire)
Other Titles
- Tales of Hearts R: Infinite Evolve - Illia Animi
Appearances (Tide Bullet 1st)[]
Crossover Titles
Appearances (Tide Bullet 2nd)[]
Crossover Titles
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of Innocence[]
Japanese Description: 敵足元への射撃と洪水攻撃を行う特技
Japanese Quote: ほーら、踊れい!
Tales of Hearts[]
Japanese Description: テイルズ オブ イノセンスから参戦!イリアがタイドバレットで援護!
Tales of Xillia[]
User: Alvin
Japanese Description: 敵の足元を銃撃する武身技。チャージ時は 剣で攻撃しつつ銃撃もするタイドスパークに変化。
Tales of Xillia 2[]
User: Ludger Will Kresnik
Japanese Description: 二丁の銃で地面を交差させるように撃ち払う武身技。ダウン中の敵にクリティカル発生。
Localized Description: "Fires both guns in a wide overlapping arc. Will be a critical hit on downed enemies."
Tales of the Rays[]
Arc Fire[]
User: Illia Animi
Japanese Description: 斜め下に弾丸を放ち地面から水たまりを発生させる
User: Alvin
Japanese Description: 右から左に敵の足元を攻撃する
Tide Bullet 1st[]
Japanese Description:
- 燃え上がる銃弾を放つ
- 連続入力で「タイド・バレット2nd」を発動
Tide Bullet 2nd[]
Japanese Quote: こいつもやるよ!
Tales of Crestoria[]
Japanese Quote: バーン! こいつもやるよ、タイド・バレット!
Romanized Quote: Baan! Koitsu mo yaru yo, Taido Baretto!
Trailer Localized Quote: "Haha! Boom! And we ain't done yet! Arc Fire!"