Aselia Wiki

The following are Japanese characters: 日本語です. If they do not appear similar to this image: Japanese, see Wikipedia's page on installing Japanese character sets for instructions.

Japanese Language

For detailed information, see Wikipedia's page on the Japanese language.

Other links of interest include:

Japanese Translations


This wiki uses a very strict policy regarding romanization methods, which may or may not be the same methods used outside of this community. Our policy overrides all other systems within the context of this wiki, and those alternative systems cannot be used on any article, without exception. Other communities are free to use their own romanization formats, just as we are free to ignore them and use our own.

Spelling and Diacritics

This wiki follows the modified Hepburn system with further modifications, mostly following the direct transcription of kana text in romanized form.

  • The particles へ, は, and を are written as he, wa, and wo, respectively.
  • Long vowels are rendered through kana spelling only.
    • Use of diacritics such as macrons (ō) or circumflexes (ô) is forbidden.
    • Long vowels which are indicated through the ー character are rendered by doubling the vowel.
    • Diphthongal vowel sounds are rendered exactly as they are written in kana text.
  • Syllabic n (ん) is always written as n before consonants, and as n', with an apostrophe, before vowels and y.
  • Double consonants which are indicated through the soukon (small-tsu) character っ or ッ are rendered by doubling the first letter of the following romanized phoneme.


Spaces should be provided within romanizations of Japanese word compounds composed of five kanji or more. The syllables of the first two kanji of every set are separated into one unit, and all following groups of two kanji are separated in the same way until a remainder of three or four kanji remain. This final set is rendered as one word. In situations where a compound has only four or less kanji, the compound must be written as a single word without spaces. This pattern corresponds with the voicing of the term in Japanese media in most cases, providing a slight pause or delay at the same point that a space is written in romanized format.

For example, 虎牙破斬 is Kogahazan, 魔神連牙斬 is Majin Rengazan, 輪舞噴竜連撃 is Rondo Funryuurengeki, and 震天裂空斬光旋風滅碎神罰割殺撃 is Shinten Rekkuu Zankou Senpuu Messai Shinbatsu Kassatsugeki.

Three exceptions exist, where the voicing of the term is distinctly separated in a way that forces separation in a different pattern. 震天裂空斬光旋風滅碎神罰攻撃 must be rendered as Shinten Rekkuu Zankou Senpuu Messai Shinbatsu Kougeki because the final four kanji do not represent a single voiced unit, and it requires a parallel of written consistency with its "successful" variant which also separates "Shinbatsu" into one word. 獅子王滅砕 becomes Shishiou Messai because the voicing separation occurs between the third and fourth kanji. Likewise, 斬空刃無塵衝 must be written as Zankuujin Mujinshou because the voiced pause occurs at the same point, between the third and fourth kanji.

If a compound uses a mix of on-yomi and kun-yomi readings, both parts are separated with a space. For instance, 朧氷樹 is rendered as Oboro Hyouju, since the first kanji is read in the traditional kun-yomi format, while the remaining two kanji are standard on-yomi compounds.


The above rules apply only if the term that is written in Japanese text does not have an interpunct symbol (・) within the word. This symbol overrides the spacing rules listed above, forcing a space to be added to the romanized term regardless of where it is. Each set of kanji before and after this separation is rendered as its own word, and the rules listed above apply independently to each side of the separation marker. Only a space should be used to represent this separation; do not use a colon or dash.

For example, 剛・魔神剣 is Gou Majinken, 魔神剣・双牙 is Majinken Souga, and 超飛来刃・爆炎斬 is Chouhiraijin Bakuenzan.


If a compound forces two of the same vowel to be written with each other, an apostrophe is used to separate the vowels. This emphasizes that it is not a long vowel extension, but a separate syllable. For example, 驟雨双破斬 romanizes to Shuu'u Souhazan, because the first kanji reads as shuu and the second kanji is a separate syllable which reads as u in this compound. Similarly, 邪霊一閃 is romanized as Jarei'issen, showing the separation between the syllables rei and itsu.

The syllabic n (ん) follows the same pattern, where a trailing n followed by a vowel requires an apostrophe to separate it from being read as part of the next syllable. For example, 幻影刃 should be romanized as Gen'eijin to show that the trailing n is part of the syllable gen, and the following syllable is separated as ei. Without the apostrophe, the readings of the first two kanji will be mistaken as ge and nei, which is completely inaccurate.

Apostrophes should not be used when successive vowels are not the same, since it is assumed that they represent different syllables already. For example, 鳳凰天駆 is romanized as Hououtenku, not "Hou'outenku".

"nihongo" Template Usage

On text-based pages, Japanese terms should provide the appropriate written text in Japanese characters, using the {{nihongo}} template tag as follows:

{{nihongo|'''Demon Fang'''|魔神剣|Majinken|"Demon God Sword"}}

This code renders to the following:

Demon Fang (魔神剣 Majinken?, "Demon God Sword")

In this example, the localized English term is bolded, followed by the word written in Japanese text. The romanized transcription is shown afterwards in italicized text, and the literal translation follows within quotation marks. Each element is separated by a single | marker within the template. This is the format that must be used with terms that have a localized equivalent. If no such localization exists, the template should be modified as follows:

{{nihongo|'''Zehhyoujin'''|絶氷刃||"Finish Ice Edge"}}

This code is rendered as:

Zehhyoujin (絶氷刃?, "Finish Ice Edge")

Because there is no localized name, the romanized text becomes the bolded term, preceding the Japanese text. The italicized term is omitted, resulting in two || markers in the template's code.

Please note that the literal translation that is provided here is the property of whoever created it, unless it is translated personally by the contributor and added directly onto the page. If a literal translation has been copied from an existing guide, video, or other resource, it must be cited as the property of the person who created that resource. The specific citation criteria and guidelines are listed below in this section of the Manual of Style.

List-Type Page Translations

Translations on list-type pages follow a very specific set of display guidelines for consistency and clarity. This format will not be changed under any circumstances.

For all localized games, the format is as follows:

Localized Name
[Japanese Text]
Romanized Text
"Literal Translation"
(Most Recent Localized Name)

The first item is the localized name for the term as it applies to the current game, bolded for clarity and linked if it is an arte or character/class name. This is followed by the Japanese text as it appears within the original Japanese version of the game, without brackets. The romanization follows in italics, maintaining the correct romanization style as described above. The literal translation follows within quotation marks, but this should be used only with title and item lists, because all arte entries are linked to their own pages which show the literal translations. Finally, the most recent localized name is shown in parentheses whenever the bolded localized name is different.

If any of these items do not apply, they can be omitted. In the special cases where a game has not been released in English-speaking regions, the first item cannot be omitted, and the format must be modified as follows:

Romanized Text
[Japanese Text]
"Literal Translation"
(Most Recent Localized Name)

The romanized text takes the place of any missing localized names, bolded and linked as needed, even if they exist in other games that have been translated. All other items remain unchanged.

Do not invent translations or use names from fan translations of any sort on these pages. Only officially translated names provided by Namco Hometek or affiliated groups may be used on these pages.

Some examples follow:

Twin Palm Strike
Soudou Shouteiha
(Reaper's Toll)
Jinrai Tenshougeki
(Thunder Descent)
Cyclone Shot
Kuuha Tokkoudan
Ogre Sword
Ochiteita Tsue
"Dropped Stick"

Quote/Description Translations

Similar to the above system, the quote translations provided on individual arte pages must follow a specific display format. This format is as follows:

Japanese Quote: [Japanese Text]
Romanized Quote: Romanized Text
Translated Quote: "Literal Translation"
Localized Quote: "Localized Text"

The ordering is different from list-type pages out of necessity, but the content of each item remains mostly the same. There is no "most recent localized quote" because all available translations are shown on the same page. The Japanese text remains unformatted, and the romanization of that text remains italicized. Literal translations are shown within quotations and italicized, and the localized translation uses quotation marks only.

Please note that the literal translation that is provided here is the property of whomever created it, unless it is translated personally by the contributor and added directly onto the page. If a literal translation has been copied from an existing guide, video, or other resource, it must be cited as the property of the person who created that resource. For specific citation criteria and guidelines, see Sources.

In-game descriptions also follow the same format, but with the word "Quote" replaced by "Description".
