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Bakkaimoutsui (爆灰猛追?, "Explosive Ash Following Rush") is an Earth-elemental strike arte extension exclusive to Loni Dunamis from Tales of Destiny 2.

Arte Description and History[]

In Tales of Destiny 2, Bakkaimoutsui is the extension to Bell Ringer. Loni leaps once more into the air and drives his weapon directly down. Outside of the original game, in every game this arte appears in, both the original part and the extension part are merged into a single arte

In Tales of the Rays, the execution is altered: Loni first stomps with his left foot, then smashes his halberd against the ground. He then performs a quick leap and lands while impaling his weapon in the ground, causing a rock formation to burst forth. Bakkaimoutsui is the master arte to Loni's Bakkaishou, replacing that arte when used either as the sixth or later action in a chain or during Burst Limits.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Destiny 2[]

Japanese Quote: かち割ったぁ!

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 武器を振り下ろした勢いで跳躍し急降下して地面を隆起させる秘技

Japanese Quote: 行くぜ。よ殺しゃ!爆灰猛追!
