Aselia Wiki
Bomb Di Wind (TotR)

Bomb Di Wind used by Zelgadiss Graywords in Tales of the Rays.

Bomb Di Wind (風魔咆裂弾ボム・ディ・ウィン Fuuma Houretsudan / "Bomu Di Uin"?, "Wind Demon Roar Rend Bullet") is an Wind-elemental collaboration arte exclusive to Zelgadiss Graywords and Naga in Tales of the Rays.

Arte Description and History[]

Zelgadiss's version is a strike arte. He leaps forward and slashes upward before summoning a green mini-tornado that blows the enemy upwards. Naga's version is a spell that summons a small tornado capable of blowing the target away.

This arte is derived from the original Bomb Di Wind, an air shamanistic magic spell in the Slayers franchise.


Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Rays[]

User: Zelgadiss Graywords
Japanese Description: 斬り上げた敵を旋風に巻き込む

Japanese Quote: 即だ!風魔咆裂弾ボム・ディ・ウィン
Romanized Quote: Sokuda! Bomu Di Uin!
Translated Quote: "Now! Bomb Di Wind!"

User: Naga
Japanese Description: 敵を旋風に巻き込む呪文。

Japanese Quote: 今日はおふき過ぎ行く風よ。風魔咆裂弾ボム・ディ・ウィン
