Aselia Wiki
Coil (ToL)

Coil as it appears in Tales of Legendia.

Coil (剛招来 Goushourai?, "Rising Strength") is an instant self-supporting arte in the Tales series.

Arte Description and History[]

This arte is usually attributed with the Fire element and works by raising the user's attack power for a short period of time. In many cases, the user is also surrounded by a burst of fire that deals minimal damage any enemy who comes into contact with them. In Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2, Jude Mathis can use Coil as an altered arte if he has the Second Artes skill equipped and the player holds the Artes button while using Steel. Jude's version of Coil provides a buff to both Attack and Defense.


Coil (TotA)

Coil as it appears in Tales of the Abyss.

Original Titles

Coil (ToV)

Coil as it appears in Tales of Vesperia.

Crossover Titles


Fan-Translated Names[]

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Phantasia (SFC)[]

Japanese Description: 気を集中させることによって一時的に攻撃力を上昇させる技
Romanized Description: Ki wo shuuchuu saseru koto ni yotte ichijiteki ni kougekiryoku wo joushou saseru waza
Translated Description (DeJap Translations): "Boost your speed and attack even more than Focus."[1]

Tales of Phantasia (PSX)[]

Translated Description (Absolute Zero): "Focus your mind to temporarily boost attack power."

Tales of Phantasia (GBA)[]

Japanese Description: 気を集中させることによって一時的に攻撃力を上昇させる
Romanized Description: Ki wo shuuchuu saseru koto ni yotte ichijiteki ni kougekiryoku wo joushou saseru
Localized Description: "Temporarily increase Attack by focusing the mind."[2]

Tales of Legendia[]

Japanese Description: 攻撃力補正体術
Localized Description: "Base: Temporarily raise ATK."

User: Stingle
Japanese Quote: 負けられぬ
Localized Quote: "I can't lose!"

Tales of the Abyss[]

Japanese Description: 気を集中させることによって 一時的に物理攻撃力を上昇させる技。

User: Luke fon Fabre
Japanese Quote: 力がみなぎる…剛招来!!
Localized Quote: "What a rush! Coil!"

User: Asch
Japanese Quote: 力よ!剛招来!
Localized Quote: "Power! Coil!"

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology[]

Japanese Description: 一定時間攻撃力を上昇させる特技
Localized Description: "Base: Temporarily raise Attack."

Tales of Innocence[]

Japanese Description: 一定時間攻撃力を上昇させる特技

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World[]

Japanese Description: 一定時間攻撃力を上昇させる特技

Tales of Vesperia (PS3) + Definitive Edition[]

Japanese Quote: う~んっ、力よ!
Localized Quote: "Rrrrgh... Grant me power!"

Tales of Innocence R[]

Japanese Description: 精神を集中させ、一定時間物理攻撃力を高める特技

Tales of Hearts R[]

Japanese Description: 自身の周りに闘気を放ち 一定時間、物理攻撃力を上昇させる技
Localized Description: "Channels the heat of battle into a temporary physical attack boost."

