Aselia Wiki
Crushing Spear (TotA)

Crushing Spear as it appears in Tales of the Abyss.

Crushing Spear (岩砕烈迅槍 Gansai Retsujinsou?, "Stone Crushing Raging Rapid Spear") is an Earth-elemental strike arte commonly associated with Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss.

Arte Description and History[]

When this arte is used, the user encases their enemy in a crystal-like gem and impales the target with a shattering thrust from the user's weapon. In Tales of the Abyss, this arte is an FOF Change activated by using Sonic Spear within a fully-charged Earth or Dark FOF Circle. In Tales of Crestoria, this arte decreases the target's ATK by 10% for three turns.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Abyss[]

Japanese Description: 前方に岩の塊を作り出し それを砕くほどの鋭い突きで攻撃する技。

Japanese Quote: 破砕の一撃、岩砕烈迅槍!
Localized Quote: "A pulverizing strike! Crushing Spear!"
