Aselia Wiki
Crystal Breaker (TotR)

Crystal Breaker as it appears in Tales of the Rays.

Crystal Breaker (クリスタルブレイカー Kurisutarubureikaa?) is Edna's Earth-elemental overray mirrage arte in Tales of the Rays.

Arte Description and History[]

Edna releases her umbrella into the air as she ascends and surrounds herself with rocks. She fires them at her target and encases them in a crystal spire. Summoning two gauntlets, the divine artifact that is the basis of her Armatus pact with Sorey, she shatters the crystal and the land around it, knocking her target into the air. Edna finishes by grabbing them and piercing them through with crystal spears before causing the entire assembly to explode.


Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quote[]

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 大地を砕く剛腕で、敵を水晶ごと握り砕く魔鏡技

Japanese Quote: 魔鏡技!守りの岩よ!水晶と化し、穢れを滅せよ!クリスタルブレイカー!!
