Aselia Wiki

Darkness Claw (ダークネスクロー Daakunesukuroo?) is a Wind- and Dark-elemental altered magic arte exclusive to Arria Ekberg in Tales of the Rays.

Arte Description and History[]

A violet circle covering a large area manifests beneath the foe, followed with a flurry of long Dark-elemental cuts in the area, accompanied with bursts of violet feathers with each slash. After the rips disappear, a pillar of darkness bursts along with two violet streaks briefly spiraling around it. Darkness Claw is the master arte to Sable Claw, replacing that arte when it is used as the fourth or later action in a chain.


Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 深淵すら切り裂く鉤爪のごとき刃で敵を攻撃する秘技

Japanese Quote: 深淵を切り払え!ダークネスクロー!
