Aselia Wiki

Skyward Shot (天翔弾 Tenshoudan?, "Soaring Shot"), also localized as Divine Shot, is a base arte primarily used by Reala from Tales of Destiny 2.

Arte Description and History[]

Reala strikes the target with her rod before jumping and firing a blue burst of energy downward. In the localization of Tales of Graces Reala says "Fire!" when she uses this arte.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Destiny 2[]

Japanese Description: 跳躍後、打ち下ろしの精霊弾を発射する特技

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 眼前の敵を杖で打ちつつ飛び上がり斜め下へ精霊弾を撃ちだす
Localized Description: "A wand hit that knocks a foe into a piercing shot of spirit energy."
