Double Demon Fang (魔神剣・双牙 / 魔神剣双牙 Majinken Souga?, "Demon God Sword Twin Fang") and Double Demon Fist (魔神拳・双牙 Majinken Souga?, "Demon God Fist Twin Fang") are upgraded versions of the Demon Fang arte.
Arte Description and History[]
In most of the games that have this arte, Double Demon Fang is a ranged attack that sends two projectile waves toward the enemy in quick succession. Like the arte on which Double Demon Fang is based, this arte has two versions for users who fight with weapons or unarmed, noted by the use of different kanji for "sword" and "fist".
In Tales of Symphonia, the arte is from the Technical branch of artes. Its Strike counterpart is Fierce Demon Fang. In both Tales of the Tempest and the remake versions of Tales of Destiny, this arte is activated as an extension when Demon Fang is used twice immediately, granting the second projectile with more damage capacity than two Demon Fang attacks used separately.
In Tales of Eternia, Reid Hershel's variant, localized as Twin Sonic Blade, has the second projectile split into two before swerving into each other. This animation is also used in Reid's variant of the arte in Tales of the Rays and Alphen's variant in Tales of Arise. The latter variant also has homing abilities, making the projectiles easier to hit enemies.
Additionally, Alisha gets her own variant of Double Demon Fang in Tales of the Rays named Majinken Souga (魔神剣・槍牙?, "Demon God Sword Spear Fang"). She first performs an upward swing, then follows with a forward thrust, both strikes releasing a blast of dark energy each. It can also alter into Majin Setsuretsusou when used as the sixth or later action in a chain or during Burst Limits.
Appearances (Double Demon Fang)[]
Original Titles
- Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut - Leon Magnus
- Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X - Magic Fencer costume, Chain Blader costume
- Tales of Eternia - Reid Hershel (Twin Sonic Blade)
- Tales of Symphonia - Lloyd Irving, Kratos Aurion, Zelos Wilder, Abyssion (Double Demon Fang)
- Tales of Legendia - Chloe Valens (Twin Demon Fang)
- Tales of Eternia Online - Warrior class
- Tales of the Tempest - Caius Qualls
- Tales of Innocence - Spada Belforma
- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Lloyd Irving (Double Demon Fang)
- Tales of Vesperia - Traitor to Heaven (Double Demon Fang)
- Tales of Xillia 2 - Ludger Will Kresnik (Double Demon Fang)
- Tales of Zestiria - Rose (Double Demon Fang)
- Tales of Arise - Alphen (Double Demon Fang)
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 - Reid Hershel
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 - Reid Hershel, Zelos Wilder
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology - Swordsman class, Reid Hershel (Double Demon Fang)
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - Dual Swordman class, Reid Hershel, Lloyd Irving, Zelos Wilder, Chloe Valens, Spada Belforma
- Tales of VS. - Lloyd Irving, Caius Qualls
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Dual Swordman class, Reid Hershel, Lloyd Irving, Zelos Wilder, Chloe Valens, Spada Belforma
- Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave - Reid Hershel
- Tales of the World: Tactics Union - Lloyd Irving, Zelos Wilder
- Tales of the World: Reve Unitia - Lloyd Irving
- Tales of Link - Kratos Aurion, Lloyd, Chloe (Double Demon Fang); Cutscene: Leon Magnus, Rose (Double Demon Fang)
- Tales of Asteria - Reid Hershel, Lloyd Irving, Kratos Aurion, Zelos Wilder, Chloe Valens, Caius Qualls, Rose, Fang
- Tales of the Rays - Reid Hershel, Zelos Wilder (Double Demon Fang), Fang, Caius Qualls
Other Titles
- Tales of Eternia: The Animation - Reid Hershel (Majin-ken: Souga)[1]
CD Dramas
- Tales of Symphonia: A Long Time Ago - Zelos Wilder
- Soulcalibur Legends - Lloyd Irving
- Sword Art Online: Integral Factor - Cutscene: Lloyd Irving (Double Demon Fang)
Appearances (Double Demon Fist)[]
Original Titles
- Tales of Legendia - Senel Coolidge, Dark Senel (Twin Demon Fist)
- Tales of Xillia - Jude Mathis (Double Demon Fist)
- Tales of Xillia 2 - Jude Mathis (Double Demon Fist)
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology - Senel Coolidge (Twin Demon Fist)
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Senel Coolidge
- Tales of the World: Reve Unitia - Senel Coolidge
- Tales of Asteria - Senel Coolidge
Appearances (Majinken Souga [魔神剣・槍牙])[]
Crossover Titles
Fan-Translated Names[]
Double Demon Fang[]
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 (Kajitani-Eizan): Double Demon Fang
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 (Kajitani-Eizan): Double Demon Fang
- Tales of Innocence (Absolute Zero): Twin Demon Fang
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of Eternia[]
Japanese Description: 魔神剣後、二つの気の刃が襲いかかる
Localized Description: "Sonic Blade x2."
Tales of Symphonia[]
User: Lloyd Irving
Japanese Description: 斬撃を2発連続で飛ばす秘技
Localized Description: "Lv. 2 Sp. Attack: attack with two consecutive shockwaves."
User: Kratos Aurion, Zelos Wilder
Japanese Description: 斬撃を2発連続で飛ばす秘技
Localized Description: "Lv. 2 Sp. Attack: two sword blasts."
Tales of Legendia[]
Twin Demon Fang[]
Japanese Description: 強力な衝撃波の二連弾
Localized Description: "Base: Unleash multiple shockwaves along the ground."
Twin Demon Fist[]
Japanese Description: 強力な衝撃破の二連弾
Localized Description: "Base: Unleash multiple shockwaves along the ground."
Tales of the Tempest[]
Japanese Description: 魔神剣を連続して2発繰り出す攻撃
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology[]
Double Demon Fang[]
Localized Description: "Master: Release two cutting shockwaves along the ground."
User: Lloyd Irving
Japanese Quote: 食らえ!
Localized Quote: "Eat this!"
Twin Demon Fist[]
Localized Description: "Master: Unleash two shockwaves from your fists."
Tales of Innocence[]
Japanese Description: 斬撃を2発連続で飛ばす秘技
Translated Description (Absolute Zero): "Master: Slash the enemy with two consecutive combos."
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World[]
Japanese Description: 斬撃を二発連続で飛ばす奥義
Tales of Vesperia[]
Localized Quote: "Twin Demon Fang!"
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2[]
Japanese Description: 斬撃を二発連続で飛ばす秘技
Tales of Zestiria[]
Japanese Description: 左右の短剣を続けざまに振り抜き、剣圧の飛び道具を 飛ばす。それぞれやや斜め前方へ飛ぶ。
Localized Description: "A flurry of slashes with both short swords, the force of which unleashes projectiles that move diagonally outwards."
Alternate Japanese Quote: 続けて行くよ!
Alternate Localized Quote: "I'm not done yet!"
User: Female Assassin
Japanese Quote: 沈め
Localized Quote: "Scatter!"
Tales of the Rays[]
Double Demon Fang[]
Japanese Description: 剣圧による飛び道具を二連続で放つ
Localized Description: "A pair of projectile attacks unleashed by the force of a sword."
Majinken Souga [魔神剣・槍牙][]
Japanese Description:
- 斬撃を2発連続で飛ばす
- 6連携目以降で発動すると秘技変化
- バーストリミッツ中は連携数省略可
Tales of Arise[]
Japanese Description: 地を這う衝撃波を二連続で放つ奥義
Localized Description: "Fires a pair of shockwaves in quick succession that run along the ground."
- ↑ YouTube subtitles