Aselia Wiki
Down Burst (ToS)

Down Burst as it appears in Tales of Symphonia.

Down Burst (ダウンバースト Daunbaasuto?) is a Wind-elemental strike arte signature to Forcystus in Tales of Symphonia. It is also the name of a recurring passive skill.

Arte Description and History[]

When used as an arte, Forcystus rises into the air surrounded with a spiral of green wind. He then falls, slamming his arm-cannon into the ground with another burst of wind. As a passive skill, Down Burst increases damage dealt to downed enemies.


Original Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Symphonia[]

Japanese Quote: 吹き飛べ!
Localized Quote: "Time to fly!"

Tales of Vesperia[]

Japanese Description: ダウンしている敵に攻撃すると ダメージが1.2倍になる
Localized Description: "Inflicts 1.2 times more damage when attacking an enemy that has been knocked down."
