Dual Punishment (双旋牙 Sousenga?, "Twin Whirling Fang") is a close-ranged melee arte in the Tales series, thus far exclusive to Anise Tatlin from Tales of the Abyss.
Arte Description and History[]
When Anise uses this arte she has her automated doll, Tokunaga, spin around twice vertically with both arms outstretched, damaging all enemies within its reach. When this arte is used within a complete Wind or Light FOF Circle, it will be converted into Lightning Punishment. While this arte has a different Japanese name from the Dual Punishment arte that is typically associated with Presea Combatir from Tales of Symphonia, the similar nomenclature used for both names, "Sousenga" (双旋牙?) and "Sousenrenbu" (双旋連斧?), as well as the similar appearances and usages of the artes show that they are related artes.
Original Titles
- Tales of the Abyss - Anise Tatlin (Dual Punishment)
- Tales of Hearts - Support Arte: Anise Tatlin
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - Anise Tatlin
- Tales of VS. - Anise Tatlin
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Anise Tatlin
- Tales of Link - Anise Tatlin (Dual Punishment)
- Tales of Asteria - Anise Tatlin
- Tales of the Rays - Anise Tatlin
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of the Abyss[]
Japanese Description: 勢いをつけて両手を振り回し 敵を攻撃する特技。
Localized Description: "Base: A spinning punch attack."
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description:
- 爪による回転攻撃を行う
- 6連携目以降で発動すると『爪連龍牙昇』に変化