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Dyshclare Alma (ToA)

Dyshclare Alma as it appears in Tales of Arise.

Dyshclare Alma (ディシクレアーレ・アルマ Dishikureaare Aruma?) is Nazamil Hildris's mystic arte in Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn.

Arte Description and History[]

Nazamil conjures five giant orbs of astral energy behind her as she summons a giant sword of Fire, engulfing the floor in coal. The orbs, from her left to right, are of the Wind, Light, Water, Earth, and Dark elements. The orbs each fire their energy, leaving behind crystalline streaks in their wake, before Nazamil slams the Fire sword downward, covering the entire area in crystals.

In Tales of the Rays, this arte becomes her Fire- and Light-elemental mirrage arte and executed differently. The Wind and Dark orbs fire their respective beams before crossing them, launching the target into the air. The Light, Water, and Earth follow up, launching them further up, as Nazamil conjures a beacon of Fire aimed at the enemy.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Arise[]

User: Nazamil
Japanese Quote: 皆、嫌う!私を嫌う!!もう嫌!!全部、消えてしまえ!!!
Localized Quote: "Everyone hates me! Everyone! I can't take anymore! All of it! Make it all go away!"

User: Captive Nazamil
Japanese Quote: ・・・・・・・違いも何もかも 等しく灰燼に 焼き尽くす
Localized Quote: "All differences, everything. I will reduce them to ash. Burn out."

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 炎の剣を掲げ、自身の強力な星霊力で灰燼に焼き尽くす魔鏡技

Japanese Quote: 魔鏡技!等しく灰燼に 焼き尽くす!今がその時!
