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ToP iOS Efreet

Efreet as it appears in Tales of Phantasia (iOS).

Efreet (ToD PSX)

Efreet as it appears in Tales of Destiny (PSX).

Efreet (イフリート Ifuriito?), along with Summon: Fire (降霊召符・火 Koureishoufu: Hi?, "Spirit Summoning Seal: Fire") and Efreet II (イフリートⅡ Ifuriito II?), are artes that summon the Spirit of Fire, Efreet.

Arte Description and History[]

Summon - Fire (ToS)

Summon: Fire as it appears in Tales of Symphonia.

Efreet Arte (ToX)

Efreet as it appears in Tales of Xillia.

As the arte summoning the Spirit of Fire, all of the artes are fire-related, either in the form of fireballs or explosions.

Efreet first appears in Tales of Phantasia under the command of Claus F. Lester. When summoned, Efreet rains multiple fireballs down on the enemy. The Efreet parody that Gentlewakame (ジェントルワカメ?), the Gentleman wearing the Claus hat in the PlayStation 2 version of Tales of Destiny, summons as its 100% Break Gauge arte Jifneet[1] (自負ニート Jifuniito?) will also release some fireballs.

As a consumable item in Tales of Destiny, Efreet arrives in a sea of flames before dashing from one side of the screen to the other, fist outstretched and leaving fire in his wake. Tales of Eternia credits Efreet with a massive explosion of fire instead. Tales of Symphonia follows in its wake with Summon: Fire, in which Efreet raises the party's attack power as well. Efreet is also the name of a Fire-elemental spear in Tales of the Abyss and a skill in Tales of Zestiria that enables a chance to reduce Fire-elemental damage.

Appearances (Efreet)[]

Original Titles

Crossover Titles


Appearances (Summon: Fire)[]

Original Titles

CD Dramas

Appearances (Efreet II)[]

Original Titles

Fan-Translated Names[]


In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Phantasia (SFC)[]

Japanese Description: 召喚呪文の一つ。四大元素の一つ、炎の精霊イフリートを召喚する
Romanized Description: Shoukan jumon no hitotsu. Shidaigenso no hitotsu, Honoo no seirei Ifuriito wo shoukan suru
Translated Description (DeJap Translations): "Summons the Spirit of Fire. Ifrit is a fire genie."[3]

Tales of Phantasia (GBA)[]

Japanese Description: 炎の精霊イフリートを召喚する 四大元素の一つ
Romanized Description: Honoo no seirei Ifuriito wo shoukan suru. Shidaigenso no hitotsu
Localized Description: "Summons the Fire Spirit Efreet, one of the Four Elementals."[4]

Tales of Destiny (PSX)[]

Localized Description: "An ancient weapon that summons the fire spirit."[5]

Tales of Eternia[]

Japanese Description:


Localized Description: "Raging hands of inferno will burn everything in sight."[6]

Japanese Quote:

Meredy/Keele: イフリート!
Efreet: 我が灼熱の魔手にて…灰燼と化せぇー!!

Localized Quote:

Meredy/Keele: "Efreet!"

Tales of Symphonia[]

Japanese Quote:

Sheena: 灼熱の業火を纏う 紅の巨人よ 契約者の名において命ず 出でよ!イフリート!!
Efreet: 消し炭にしてくれる!

Localized Quote:

Sheena: "I call upon the red giant, the ruler of hell fire. I summon thee. Come, Efreet!!"[7]
Efreet: "I will reduce you to cinders."

Tales of Xillia[]

Japanese Description: 火の大精霊イフリートを呼び出して攻撃する。火の斬撃とブレスによる連続攻撃。
Localized Description: "Summon Efreet, the Great Spirit of Fire, to perform a combo attack of flaming strikes and fire breath."

Tales of Xillia 2[]

Alternate Localized Quote: "Flame!"

Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2[]

Japanese Description: イフリートを召喚する
Romanized Description: Ifuriito wo shoukan suru

Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3[]

Japanese Description: イフリートを召喚する
Romanized Description: Ifuriito wo shoukan suru
Translated Description (Kajitani-Eizan): "Summon Efreet."

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 火の精霊イフリートを召喚し火球で前方を焼き払う術

Japanese Quote: 火の精霊よ。イフリート!


  1. "Jifuniito" is similar to Efreet's katakana, "Ifuriito" (イフリート?).
  2. YouTube subtitles
  3. Tales of Phantasia (SNES) FAQ/Walkthrough Part 2/2 by JPuga GameFAQs (2001-07-15) Retrieved on 2009-07-01.
  4. Tales of Phantasia (GBA) FAQ/Walkthrough by sonicfreak77 GameFAQs (2007) Retrieved on 2008-03-07.
  5. Tales of Destiny (PS) FAQ/Walkthrough by CMoriarty / Psycho Penguin GameFAQs (2002) Retrieved on 2008-03-11.
  6. Tales of Destiny II (PS) Craymel Artes FAQ by Rena Chan GameFAQs (2003) Retrieved on 2008-03-11.
  7. ~Tales of Incantations~ by Judgey (Internet Archive Wayback Machine) Official Namco Tales Forums (2008) Retrieved on 2008-11-15.
