Aselia Wiki
Fang Blade (TotA)

Fang Blade as it appears in Tales of the Abyss.

Fang Blade (双牙斬 Sougazan?, "Pair Fang Slash"[1]) is a Warrior and Swordsman technique in the Tales series.

Arte Description and History

When this skill is used, the user slashes diagonally downward and sweeps around in a wide arc along the ground, then reverses the strike to finish with a powerful vertical uppercut that lifts the target as the user jumps. However, it is difficult to link this skill to any others since the enemy usually lands before the user, giving it time to recover and counterattack.

Although this skill is typical of the Warrior skillset, Leon Magnus obtains this skill in the remake versions of Tales of Destiny, in which it can be used both as a standalone skill and an extension to Kogahazan by using it twice immediately. In Tales of the Abyss, this skill can be used within a complete Wind or Light FOF Circle to convert it into Lightning Tiger Blade.


Mothership Titles

Escort Titles

Mobile Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes

Tales of the Abyss

Localized Description: "Slash the enemy down, then up into the air."[2]

Tales of Zestiria

Localized Description: "A hidden arte that slashes an enemy, then follows up with a rising blade. Can combo with other aerial combo moves."

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology

Localized Description: "Base: Slash the enemy down, then up into the air."

Tales of the Rays

Localized Description: "An attack that chains a downward slash into an upward strike."

