Aselia Wiki
Shockwave Slash (ToG)

Shockwave Slash as it appears in Tales of Graces ƒ.

Shockwave Slash (衝皇震 Shououshin?, "Colliding Divine Quake") is a recurring Earth-elemental martial arte in Tales series.

Arte Description and History[]

Shockwave Slash (ToB)

Shockwave Slash as it appears in Tales of Berseria.

The user slashes their blade to the left, igniting the velocity of their swing with glowing red and yellow energy while emitting orange particles. In Tales of Berseria, Rokurou also rends the earth with the action. In Tales of Graces, most of Asbel's burst artes change animations when used consecutively; Shockwave Slash switches from a left slash to a right slash in this case.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles


In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Graces[]

Japanese Description: 地面をえぐる横薙ぎの衝撃波
Localized Description: "A horizontal swing that gouges a wave of crushing force from out of the earth."

Localized Quote: "Slash!"

Alternate Japanese Quote (ƒ): 薙ぎ払え!
Alternate Romanized Quote (ƒ): Nagihare!
Alternate Localized Quote: "Mow 'em down!"

Tales of Berseria[]

Japanese Description: 素早く左に踏み込みつつ、大地を切り開く。
Localized Description: "Dashes left while rending the earth."

Localized Quote: "Caught you!"

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 左に踏み込み大地を切り裂く

Tales of Arise[]

Japanese Description: 斜め前に向かって力強く薙ぐ特技
Localized Description: "A fierce slashing sweep attack from the side."
