Aselia Wiki
Fringe Rem (TotR)

Fringe Rem as it appears in Tales of the Rays.

Fringe Rem (フリンジ・レム Furinji Remu?) is Keele Zeibel's Light-elemental overray mirrage arte exclusive to in Tales of the Rays.

Arte Description and History[]

Keele summons Rem, who brings him up into the air, and uses her power to bring down a barrage of rays of Light chiral particles. This arte references the fringe concept in Tales of Eternia, as well as Rem's status as the Governing Craymel of Inferia, which is Keele's homeworld.


Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 光の精霊レムを使役し、白き光で敵を滅し味方の傷を癒す魔鏡技

Japanese Quote: レム!全てを癒す、至高の光よ!白きを紡ぎ、安寧を示せ!
