Aselia Wiki
Gaia Cage (TotR)

Gaia Cage as it appears in Tales of the Rays.

Gaia Cage (ガイアケイジ Gaiakeiji?) is an Earth-elemental altered magic arte exclusive to Roar in Tales of the Rays.

Arte Description and History[]

Roar traps the enemy in a hexagonal barrier, having rocks bounce all over inside. Gaia Cage arte is the master arte to Glaive Cage, replacing that arte when it is used as the sixth or later action in a chain.

This arte is derived from Milla Maxwell's Shining Prism, known in Japan as "Glare Cage", resembling it in both name and appearance.


Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 敵を閉じ込める障壁を発生させ無数の岩石を跳弾させる秘技

Japanese Quote: 高楼平沙!ガイアケイジ!
