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Gardenia (ToH)

Gardenia as it appears in Tales of Hearts.

Savior System Gardenia (救世システム・ガルデニア Kyuusei Shisutemu Garudenia?) is an antagonistic, non-sentient being in Tales of Hearts.


Gardenia (ToH-R)

Gardenia as it appears in Tales of Hearts R.

Gardenia is a massive xerom developed by Creed Graphite and Lithia Spodumene as a means to tranquilize the negative emotions that resulted in the endless conflicts that ravaged Minera, Creed took part on a plan alongside with Lithia to remove the war-like components from a person Spiria.

Fluora warned multiple times and questioned the unethical manipulation of someone else Spiria to both of them. Despite all the warnings Creed and Lithia managed to activate Gardenia using Lithia's Spiria as the core for Gardenia. However, Lithia was unable to control Gardenia, causing every Spiria on Minera to be consumed by Gardenia and calcifying the entire planet in the process. To stop Gardenia, Fluora sacrificed herself in order to protect both Creed and Lithia. Against Creed's wishes, Lithia managed to seal Gardenia alongside with Fluora.

Later, in an attempt to revive Minera and Fluora, Creed would revive Gardenia, believing he would have a better chance of controlling it since Gardenia was designed after his own Spiria. When he does however, Fluora reveals the flaw he completely looked over; The reason for the failure was that, deep down, his Spiria had a strong hunger for affection. The strength of his hunger for affection led him to urge people to connect with him. But since he is not familiar with the concept, Gardenia went out of control, because it goes after and devours any kind of connection it sees.


  • Gardenia is a lot similar to the Adephagos from Tales of Vesperia, as both are other-existential-like beings created artificially, with the potential to inflict Armageddon.
