Gemini Aqua as it appears in Tales of Arise.
Gemini Aqua (ジュミナイアクア Juminaiakua?) is a martial arte exclusive to Shionne Imeris from Tales of Arise.
Arte Description and History[]
Shionne spins to the right before firing two Water bullets at once. Upon impact, the two bullets separate and fly in opposite directions.
Original Titles
- Tales of Arise - Shionne Imeris (Gemini Aqua)
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of Arise[]
Japanese Description: 右へ回避後、2発の水弾を発射する特技。弾は当たると左右に飛んでいく
Localized Description: "Evades to the right, then fires two water shots that fly from side to side on impact."
Alternate Japanese Quote: 水の力で!
Alternate Localized Quote: "By the power of water!"