Gessaida (月砕打?, "Moon Smash Hit") is a base arte exclusive to Forest Ledoyen from Tales of the Tempest.
Arte Description and History[]
Forest leaps into the air, then follows with a powerful downward axe smash, creating an impact zone covering a large area around the struck point. In Tales of the Rays, this arte is Earth-elemental.
Original Titles
Crossover Titles
Fan-Translated Names[]
- Tales of the Tempest (Absolute Zero): Lunar Blow
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of the Tempest[]
Japanese Description: ジャンプした勢いで地面を叩きつけて周囲に衝撃波を生み出し攻撃する技
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description:
- 月をも砕く勢いで地面を叩きつける
- 術技強化で空中でも連携可