Harubizakura (春陽桜?, "Spring Sun Cherry") is a self-healing arte exclusive to Baldo in Tales of the Rays.
Arte Description and History[]
Baldo strokes his hair as a breeze of healing essence blows on his face. If attacked during this animation, Baldo warps to behind the assailant, as petals attack them. This arte alters into Shunpuuouka when used as the sixth or later action in a chain.
Crossover Titles
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description:
- 春の風を浴びて回復する
- 回復前に攻撃を受けると敵の背後を取り反撃
- 6連携目以降で発動すると秘技変化
Japanese Quote: いい風だ。
Japanese Quote (if attacked): 無粋ですよ!