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Havoc Gale (ToV)

Havoc Gale as it appears in Tales of Vesperia.

Havoc Gale (ハヴォックゲイル Havokkugeiru?) is a recurring Wind-elemental magic arte introduced in Tales of Vesperia.

Arte Description and History[]

The user conjures a tall gray pillar of wind upon the target, within which a green sphere of spiraling wind appears and descends onto the ground. Contacting the ground results in the sphere bursting, dissipating the pillar of wind. In the PlayStation 3 and Definitive Edition releases of the game, Patty Fleur can cast Havoc Gale via the Big Risk arte.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles


In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Vesperia[]

Japanese Description: 竜巻を起こすことで敵を封じ込めさらに内部の気圧を下げ押しつぶす上級魔術
Localized Description: "Advanced Spell: Send a violent tornado that block enemy movement then crushes with inner air pressure."

Normal Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: 怒れ、吼えろ、螺旋の将軍!ハヴォックゲイル!
Localized Quote: "Howl and rage, O mighty vortex. Havoc Gale!"

Shortened Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: ドッカーーン!ハヴォックゲイル!
Localized Quote: "Boom! Havoc Gale!"

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 竜巻に敵を封じ込め、気圧の解放と共に拡散させる秘技
