Infernal Prison (イグニートプリズン Iguniitopurizun?, "Ignite Prison") is an advanced Fire-elemental spell in the Tales series.
Arte Description and History[]
When cast, Infernal Prison creates a red glyph on the ground. Flame pillars then rise diagonally from four points within the glyph, trapping the foe in a pyramidal "cage" of fire. A final burst of flame gushes from the middle of the glyph, ending the spell effect. This spell is used for the first time in Tales of the Abyss by Jade Curtiss. Casting Infernal Prison within a fully-charged Water or Dark FOF Circle will produce the FOF Change Raging Mist.
In Tales of Hearts, Infernal Prison is a combination arte that is activated by summoning either Kohaku Hearts or Beryl Benito into battle using the Connect Command panel and controlling the opposite character to cast both Explode and Stone Wall at the same time. Infernal Prison also appears as a support arte that is activated by Jade Curtiss, when he is summoned into battle.
The move appears again in Tales of Hearts R as a spell for Kohaku, with the animation similar to the one appearing in Tales of Graces. In Tales of Graces ƒ, it is originally learned by Pascal, but Richard can learn by acquiring a title awarded by fighting together with Pascal. Pascal's version is centered on herself, much like her other glyph artes, but Richard's version is centered on his target. In terms of spell effect, it loses its final burst of flame in this game's version.
Original Titles
- Tales of the Abyss - Jade Curtiss, Van, Nebilim, Replicantis, Coliseum Queen (Infernal Prison)
- Tales of Hearts - Combination Arte: Kohaku Hearts + Beryl Benito; Support Arte: Jade Curtiss
- Tales of Hearts R - Kohaku Hearts, Pascal, Creed Graphite, Ombre (Infernal Prison)
- Tales of Graces (Wii) - Pascal
- Tales of Graces ƒ - Pascal, Richard (Infernal Prison)
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Van Grants
- Tales of Link - Pascal, Kohaku (Infernal Prison), Jade Curtiss, Gelda Nebilim
- Tales of Asteria - Jade Curtiss, Van Grants, Richard, Creed Graphite
- Tales of the Rays - Nebilim, Creed Graphite, Pascal
Other Titles
- Tales of Hearts R: Infinite Evolve - Jade Curtiss
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of the Abyss[]
Japanese Description: 対象を炎の柱で囲み攻撃する上級譜術。
Localized Description: "High: A glyph appears and fiery jets blare up all around, scorching those within."
User: Jade Curtiss
Japanese Quote: 業火よ、焔の檻にて焼き尽くせ、イグニートプリズン!
Romanized Quote: Gouka yo, homura no ori nite yaki tsukuse, Iguniitopurizun!
Localized Quote: "O flames of hell, cremate my enemies in a cage of fire. Infernal Prison!"
User: Nebilim
Localized Quote: "Cremate them in a cage of fire! Infernal Prison!"
User: Van
Localized Quote: "Begone!"
Tales of Hearts[]
User: Kohaku Hearts + Beryl Benito
Japanese Quote:
Tales of Graces[]
User: Pascal
Japanese Description: 地獄の業火で範囲内の敵を焼き尽くす陣術。
Localized Description: "A glyph arte that burns all foes within the area with searing hellfire."
Normal Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: 贖うは地獄の業炎、イグニートプリズン!
Romanized Quote: Aganau wa jigoku no gouen, Iguniitopurizun!
Localized Quote: "Find redemption in hell... Infernal Prison!"
Shortened Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: お仕置きファイアー、イグニーちゃん!
Romanized Quote: Oshioki faiaa, Igunii-chan!
Translated Quote: "Punishing fire, Ignii-chan!"
Localized Quote: "Punishing flames. It's I.P. time!"
Tales of Graces ƒ[]
User: Richard
Japanese Description: パスカルから習得した攻撃術。地獄の業火で範囲内の敵を焼き尽くす。
Localized Description: "A cryas arte learned from Pascal that burns all foes within the area with hellfire."
Japanese Quote: 炎の檻に惑え!真紅の業火!イグニートプリズン!
Romanized Quote: Honou no ori ni madoe! Shinku no gouka! Iguniitopurizun!
Translated Quote: "Deluded in a cage of flames! Crimson hellfire! Ignite Prison!"
Localized Quote: "Stand in thrall in your scarlet cell. Infernal Prison!"
Alternate Localized Quote: "Stand in thrall at the bars of your scarlet cell. Infernal Prison!"
Tales of Hearts R[]
Japanese Description: 対象の周辺に魔法陣を展開し 超高熱の炎を召喚する上級術
User: Kohaku Hearts
Normal Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: 爆炎よ、歓喜の調べを四海に奏でよ!イグニートプリズン!
Shortened Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: 煌めけ、火念!イグニートプリズン!
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description: 炎を噴出させ敵を巻き上げる
User: Creed Graphite
Japanese Quote: 近づくな!イグニートプリズン!
User: Pascal
Japanese Description:
- 炎を噴出させ敵を巻き上げる
- 5連携目以降で発動すると『ブレイジングロード』に変化
Japanese Quote: 揺り起こせ焼熱!イグニートプリズン!
User: Nebilim
Japanese Quote: 焼き尽くせ!イグニートプリズン!