Aselia Wiki

Lunar Reflection (鏡月閃 Kyougetsusen?, "Reflecting Moon Flash") is a martial arte used by Ludger Will Kresnik and Victor in Tales of Xillia 2 and Dark Turtlez in Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Berseria.

Arte Description and History[]

The user spins to the target in a counterclockwise manner, striking the foe twice and conjuring a small green whirlwind as they jump backward. In Tales of Xillia 2, this arte is Wind-elemental, has a chance to inflict the Paralysis status ailment, pulls enemies toward the user, and can be performed midair after 100 uses. In Tales of Berseria, this arte is Void-elemental and has a chance to inflict the Stun status ailment.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Xillia 2[]

Japanese Description: 素早く間合いを詰め、敵を斬りつつ飛び退る武身技。

Tales of Zestiria[]

Japanese Quote: このっ!
Localized Quote: "Why you!"

Tales of Berseria[]

Japanese Quote: 邪魔っす!
Localized Quote: "Leave me alone!"

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 踏み込んで攻撃しつつ後退に繋ぎ間合いを空ける
Localized Description: "An arte in which the user steps in, strikes, and retreats out of reach."
