Aselia Wiki

Magni Cyclone (マグニ・サイクロン Maguni Saikuron?) is a Wind- and Dark-elemental altered arte exclusive to Genis Sage in Tales of the Rays.

Arte Description and History[]

Genis conjures rings of small gravity spheres around the target that implode on it, an action which repeats several time. After the final gravity ring implosion, a raging whirlwind of dark energy manifests for a few seconds. Magni Cyclone is the master arte to Genis's Cyclone, replacing that arte when it is used as the fourth or later action in a chain. "Magni" (マグニ maguni?) is a shortened form of "magnitude" (マグニチュード magunichuudo?) and is used in the arte's name to highlight its gravity capabilities.


Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 磁力で広範囲の敵を引き寄せ巨大な竜巻で一網打尽にする秘技

Japanese Quote (originally): まだまだ!マグニ・サイクロン!

Japanese Quote (currently): 暴風よ、全てを巻き込め!いっけえ!マグニ・サイクロン!
