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Nice Aid Smash (ToV)

Nice Aid Smash as it appears in Tales of Vesperia.

Nice Aid Smash (活心エイドスタンプ Kasshin Eidosutanpu?, "Vital Spirit Aid Stamp") is a base arte exclusive to Karol Capel from Tales of Vesperia.

Arte Description and History[]

Karol slams his weapon down on the targeted ally, forming a green glyph that heals 18% of max HP to all allies within it. The area of effect increases in size with the Healing Arte Charge skill equipped and Mighty Charge used, as well as with use. In Tales of Vesperia, this arte can be altered into Nice Healing Smash through the Great Deluge skill. The progression from Nice Aid Smash, to Nice Healing Smash, and finally Nice Curing Smash parallels three classic healing spells: First Aid, Heal, and Cure.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Vesperia[]

Japanese Description: 武器で地面に術式を描き、範囲内にいる 味方のHPを小回復する特技
Localized Description: "Base Arte: Write a formula on the ground with your weapon. Restores a small amount of HP to allies within range."

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: 地面に術式を描き範囲内の味方を回復する
