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Pow Spear (ピコ空裂破 Pikokuureppa?, "Piko Empty Fissure Destruction"[1]) is a Compound Special Attack in Tales of Symphonia, performed by Colette Brunel and Kratos Aurion or Zelos Wilder.

Arte Description and History

When performing this Unison Attack, Kratos or Zelos's sword is replaced by a Pow Hammer while doing horizontal spins around in the air, leaving a spiraling trail of light from the toy hammer. Upon landing, the hammer transforms into the sword again. In order to be used, one of Colette's Pow Hammer artes and one of the swordsman's Light Spear artes must be used during a Unison Attack.


Mothership Titles


  1. Tales Series Translation FAQ by KusanagiLord02 GameFAQs (2006-11-05) Retrieved on 2008-07-24.
