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Regenerate (ToV)

Regenerate as it appears in Tales of Vesperia.

Regenerate (リジェネレイト Rijenereito?) is a recurring healing spell in the Tales series.

Arte Description and History[]

The spell first appears in Tales of the Abyss, in which it is activated as a FOF Change that replaces Resurrection when activated within a complete Water or Dark FOF Circle. While Resurrection revives and heals a single ally that has been knocked out, Regenerate affects all knocked-out allies within a small area. Like Resurrection, it also heals presently surviving allies within the same area of effect, recovering a greater percentage of health than its prerequisite spell.

In Tales of Vesperia, Regenerate is treated similarly as an altered arte that is activated when Resurrection is cast while the Dispersion and Alembic skills are equipped. In the PlayStation 3 and the Definitive Edition releases of the game, the percentage of health that is recovered is increased. The arte is animated as an angel that drifts down from the heavens in order to breathe life into the fallen party members before rising and fading away.

In Tales of Arise, Dohalim's version differs from previous iterations of the spell and gradually heals HP over time to the target party member instead. This function is carried over to Tales of Luminaria, starting with the version 1.0.9 where Regenerate replaced any weapon that has the Gathering auto arte, with the latter being made as the standard behavior, however the healing is much weaker.


Regenerate (ToLuminaria)

Regenerate as it appears in Tales of Luminaria

Original Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of the Abyss[]

Japanese Description: 範囲内の味方を戦闘不能状態から復活させる譜術。
Localized Description: "Fonic: Revive all fallen allies within range."

User: Tear Grants
Japanese Quote: 彼の者達を呼び戻す道標となれ、リジェネレイト!
Localized Quote: "Guide these poor souls that they may rise anew! Regenerate!"

User: Legretta
Japanese Quote: 光よ、ここに来たれ!これはどうだ!

User: Mint Adnade
Japanese Quote: 皆さん、死なないで!いきますよ!

User: Philia Philis
Japanese Quote: 皆さん、がんばって!いきますよ!

Tales of Vesperia[]

Japanese Description: 範囲内の味方を戦闘不能から復活させるスキル変化術
Localized Description: "Altered Arte: Revive all KO'd allies within range."

Normal Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: 瞳閉じし者、鼓動の旋律を奏でよ、リジェネレイト!
Localized Quote: "You whose eyes are closed, beat the rhythm of your heart once more! Regenerate!"

Shortened Spellcasting Time:
Localized Quote: "Go! Regenerate!"

Tales of Arise[]

Japanese Description: 味方一人のHPを徐々に回復する中級治癒術
Localized Description: "An intermediate healing arte that gradually restores one ally's HP."

Japanese Quote: 輝き集いて、再生の力となれ、リジェネレイト!
Localized Quote: "Shine, radiant light, force of regeneration! Regenerate!"

Tales of Luminaria[]

Japanese Description: 一定時間、自身のHPを徐々に回復する再生創術を発動する
Localized Description: "Activates a Remedial Arte that gradually heals your HP for a limited time"
