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Religion is a recurring concept in the Tales series. It often serves as a central point of story with secret agendas that in the long run are detrimental to people.


Many titles in the series feature, mainly institutionalized, religion which often serves as a major world-governing body, even if the game includes one or more countries. As the series is mainly built around the idea of medieval fantasy, religion is generally themed after European Middle Ages' Christianity and includes such concepts like priests, bishops, and churches. Often times, the religion has a country, usually an empire, to act as its governmental center. The institution often serves as an antagonistic party that threatens the freedom of populace.

Appearances in Original Titles[]

Tales of Phantasia[]

Prayer is source of a class of techniques known as Divine Power, which uses it for supportive effects.

The village of Toltus reveres Yggdrasill as the Earth Spirit, and it has a temple dedicated to its founder who they consider a saint. The Kingdom of Fenrir also had its Temple of Fenrir dedicated to worship.

Tales of Destiny and Tales of Destiny 2[]

In Tales of Destiny, the Straylize Temples are dedicated to the the worship of the goddess Atamoni. The high priest Lydon Bernhardt uses a network of fanatics among the temples to facilitate his plan to use the Eye of Atamoni to take over the world.

In Tales of Destiny 2, the Order of Atamoni emerged after the devastating events that ravaged the world in Tales of Destiny. Its central deity is the goddess Fortuna and the Order is led by the "Holy Woman" Elrane who performs "miracles" with the use of Lens.

Tales of Symphonia[]

In Tales of Symphonia, the Church of Martel is a religious organization present on both Sylvarant and Tethe'alla where the goddess Martel slumbers within the seed of the ancient Giant Kharlan Tree after Mithos the Hero sacrificed himself to save the giant tree of mana, and that the process of World Regeneration is intended to awaken her and revitalize the world from its declining state. To that end a Chosen is born in each world who sets on Journey of Regeneration.

Tales of the Abyss[]

In Tales of the Abyss, the Order of Lorelei serves as the central religious organization that is led by a Fon Master with the aid of Grand Maestros. Is is build on Score, prophecies developed by Yulia Jue which are said to lead the great prosperity.

Tales of Innocence[]

In Tales of Innocence, Arca is the religious body present on Naraka. On the outside it works on the notion of repentance with Devalokans having to beg Narakans if they want to return home, but it also detains Reborn by claiming that they are a threat to society. In reality, Reborn are being subject to military experiments.

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World[]

In Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, as the result of the unification of both worlds the Tethe'allan branch, using its superior technology, subjugated its Sylvaranti branch. The Church also fights with Vanguard and as the result of its violent development has caused decline in Martel.

For an unknown reason some characters use the expression "my god" or its variant despite the central deity being a female, Martel Yggdrasill.

Tales of Xillia[]

Tales of Xillia feature a rare instance in the series where faith focused on spirits, specifically on Maxwell whose believers live in a remote village of Nia Khera in Rieze Maxia's Auj Oule. As Milla Maxwell is the corporeal form of Maxwell all residents of Nia Khera treat her with utmost respect, with her handmaid Ivar's adoration bordering on the edge of posessiveness and obsessiveness.

Tales of Berseria[]

In Tales of Berseria, the Abbey is the religion of the Holy Midgand Empire led by Artorius Collbrande that emerged after the Advent. Since then it has grown in power and numbers. On the surface it teaches of reason as a way to counter the growing daemon threat while dispatching exorcists to kill daemons. In reality the Abbey is merely a facade as Artorius works behind scenes with the intention of bringing Innominat into the world and use his power to seal away humans' emotions.
