Aselia Wiki
Rending Havoc (TotA)

Rending Havoc as it appears in Tales of the Abyss.

Rending Havoc (穿破斬月襲 Senpa Zangesshuu?, "Dig Destruction Slash Moon Attack"[1]) is an arte in the Tales series that serves as a combination of the Rending Thrust and Havoc Strike artes.

Arte Description and History

When this arte is executed, the user first thrusts forward with their sword, executes Havoc Strike, and then finishes with an uppercut from their other arm.


Mothership Titles

Escort Titles

Mobile Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology

Localized Description: "Arcane: A combination of Havoc Strike & Rending Thrust."


  1. Tales Series Translation FAQ by KusanagiLord02 GameFAQs (2006-11-05) Retrieved on 2008-07-24.
