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Shichisei Shuukihou (七星集気法?, "Seven Stars Spirit Gathering Method") is a promotional self-healing strike arte used by Sorey in Tales of Zestiria.

Arte Description and History[]

This arte is a self-healing arte that promotes the 7-Eleven company, whose DLC is required for the move. Its name, which incorporates "seven" ( shichi?); the amount of HP healed, 711; and the SC cost, 71, all derive from the company. It also references Inspiration, whose Japanese name is Shuukihou (集気法?). This arte is exclusive to the Japanese version, as other versions lack the DLC; data-mining reveals the arte's localized name is Seven-Star Focus.


Original Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Zestiria[]

Japanese Description: 精神を集中させて、体力を回復する技。発動まで時間がかかるので使いどころを見極めよう。

Japanese Quote: 七星天昇!集気法!
