Swallow Fury (飛燕瞬連斬 Hien Shunrenzan?, "Flying Swallow Flickering Chain Slash") is a sword-based technique in the Tales series.
Arte Description and History[]
In Tales of the Abyss, the user phases through the target and strikes with an uppercut from behind, followed by two rising kicks and a final slash, lifting both the user and the target far into the air. If the initial uppercut fails to stagger the target, the attack will not continue, and additional artes cannot be linked afterward. If the arte fails, it can be used as a convenient method to evade enemy attacks since it allows the user to move behind the enemy, providing them with a chance to move away or back-stab the opponent after the arte's cooldown period ends. In this game, this arte changes to Shadow Fury when used within a complete Fire- or Light-elemental FOF Circle.
In Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Emil Castagnier slashes right, through the enemy, before quickly spinning counterclockwise to start the slow lift into the air with an upward slash, spinning counterclockwise for a second upward slash, spinning counterclockwise again for a third upward slash, switching the arm angle for a fourth upward slash, then finishes it by spinning clockwise for a high spin hook kick.
In Tales of Xillia, Gaius puts the blade on his right side before charging forward, performing the first slash, right before warping to a different angle, with the blade on his left side. He then slashes through, then warps at another different angle with the blade on his right, then slashes, before warping at a final angle, and performs an upward slash.
In Tales of the Rays, this arte is Dark-elemental and it alters into Hien Shunrenzan Setsu when used as the sixth or later action in a chain.
Original Titles
- Tales of the Abyss - Luke fon Fabre, Asch (Swallow Fury)
- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Emil Castagnier (Swallow Fury)
- Tales of Xillia - Gaius (Swallow Fury)
- Tales of Xillia 2 - Gaius (Swallow Fury)
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology - Luke fon Fabre (Swallow Fury), Skit: Luke fon Fabre (Swallow Fury)
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - Luke fon Fabre
- Tales of VS. - Luke fon Fabre
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Emil Castagnier, Luke fon Fabre
- Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave - Luke fon Fabre
- Tales of the World: Tactics Union - Luke fon Fabre, Emil Castagnier
- Tales of the World: Reve Unitia - Emil Castagnier, Luke fon Fabre
- Tales of Link - Luke fon Fabre, Asch (Swallow Fury)
- Tales of Asteria - Luke fon Fabre, Gaius
- Tales of the Rays - Luke fon Fabre
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of the Abyss[]
Japanese Description: 素早い突進から連続で斬撃を繰り出し 攻撃する奥義。
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World[]
Japanese Description: 素早い突進から連続で斬撃を繰り出し 攻撃する奥義。
Localized Description: "Arcane: Numerous slashes from a swift charge."
Tales of Xillia[]
Alternate Japanese Quote: 見切った!
Tales of Xillia 2[]
Japanese Description: 連続で素早く敵の周囲を斬り抜ける武身技。
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description:
- 一瞬で敵の背後を取り、連続攻撃
- 6連携目以降で発動すると『飛燕瞬連斬・刹』に変化