Aselia Wiki

Morlia Gallery[]

This term redirects here, but I see no mention of it on the page. We shouldn't redirect only for the topic to lead to a dead end for the reader. I left the link because I'm assuming it has something to do with Alvanista, but it needs some sort of mention on the page. The other links I removed because we don't have them added to any location templates, which are the basis for us determining which locations need links/pages and which do not, as well as wording, spelling, etc. I'm hesitant to step outside of what we have listed on location templates because we end up with more red links than we should, with some locations not requiring any links or pages at all.

Arosia (talk) 07:11, April 19, 2017 (UTC)

It's another name for the Morlia Mineshaft. Lanate (talk) 02:48, April 20, 2017 (UTC)