This article is based on information from Japanese-only media. The following content has not been released in the English language, so details are subject to change at any given time.
The following is a list of all artes available to Barbatos Goetia in Tales of Destiny 2 .
Arte Name
Arte Type
Elemental Attributes
Poisonic Field ポイゾニック・フィールド
Field of Effect
inflicts Poison for all enemies within range
Gouenzan 轟炎斬 (Goenzan)
Strike Arte
Zankuudan 斬空断 (Zankudan)
Strike Arte
Ressaidan 裂砕断
Strike Arte
ends with the phrase "Kore zo waga ougi: Sanrensatsu " (これぞ我が奥義・三連殺 ? )
Genocide Braver ジェノサイドブレイバー (Genocide Edict)
Strike Arte
"Ore no haigo ni tatsun ja nee!" 「俺の背後に立つんじゃねえ!」 (Don't stand behind me!)
Strike Arte
counters movement to his right in the following battles:
Gran Vanish グランヴァニッシュ (Grand Cataclysm)
Magic Arte
Crazy Comet クレイジーコメット (Meteoric Rise)
Magic Arte
Shadow Edge シャドウエッジ
Magic Arte
counters item use in the following situations:
Bloody Cross ブラッディクロス
Magic Arte Extension
extends from Shadow Edge on "Normal" difficulty and above
Execution エクセキューション
Magic Arte
counters item use during the battle in Straylize Temple on "Mania" difficulty and above
counters healing artes during the following battles:
counters item with the phrase "Nanjaku-sha wa kieusero!" (「軟弱者は消えうせろ!」 ? )
counters healing artes with the phrase "Kaifuku shoujutsu da to? Hinjaku sugiru wa!" (「回復晶術だと?貧弱すぎるわ!」 ? )
Luna Shade ルナシェイド
Magic Arte Extension
extends from Execution on "Mania" difficulty or above
PSP version only: gains a cut-in
Burn Strike バーンストライク (Burning Strike)
Magic Arte
counters guarding characters during the following battles on "Hard" difficulty or above:
can be activated normally during the battle in the Aeth'er Wars period
counters guarding characters with the phrase "Chidjikomatten ja nee!" (「縮こまってんじゃねえ!」 ? )
Ceiling Fall シリングフォール
Magic Arte Extension
counters left movement during the battle in Straylize Temple on "Mania" difficulty or above
extends from Air Pressure on "Hard" difficulty or above
counters left movement with the phrase "Otoko ni koutai no nimonji wa nee!!" (「男に後退の二文字はねえ!!」 ? )
Evil Sphere イービルスフィア
Magic Arte Extension
Air Pressure エアプレッシャー
Magic Arte
counters magic artes during the following battles:
counters magic artes with the phrase "Jutsu ni tayoru ka zako-domo ga!" (「術に頼るかザコどもが!」 ? )
Negative Gate ネガティブゲイト
Magic Arte
counters magic artes during the following battles on "Hard" difficulty or above while at low health:
counters magic artes with the phrase "Itsu made jutsu ni tayoru ka!" (「いつまで術に頼るか!」 ? )
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