Aselia Wiki
This article is based on information from Japanese-only media.
The following content has not been released in the English language, so details are subject to change at any given time.

The following is a list of belts in the PlayStation 2 and Director's Cut versions of Tales of Destiny. They can only be equipped by Bruiser Khang, and most of them grant effects related to hitting or being hit by enemies.

Icon Equipment Name Parameters Acquisition Method
Replica Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Replica Belt
Physical Attack +8
Physical Defense +8
Default: Khang (rejoins)
Fly Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Fly Belt
Physical Defense +10 Event: reward from clearing rank 1 of Neuestadt's arena
Bantam Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Bantam Belt
Physical Defense +20 Event: reward from clearing rank 2 of Neuestadt's arena
Light Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Light Belt
Physical Defense +30 Event: reward from clearing rank 3 of Neuestadt's arena
Middle Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Middle Belt
Physical Defense +40 Event: reward from clearing rank 4 of Neuestadt's arena
Heavy Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Heavy Belt
Physical Defense +50 Event: reward from clearing rank 5 of Neuestadt's arena
Champion Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Champion Belt
Physical Attack +25 Drop(s): Nisekongman (appears in rank 5 of Neuestadt's arena if playing Khang)
  • occasionally heals 10% of max HP if the character's HP is below 15% of max HP
Seinegald Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Seinegald Belt
- Event: reward from completing all Definite Strikes from the Seinegald region
  • reduces stagger from enemy physical attacks by 0.03 seconds
  • reduces stagger from enemy spells by 0.16 seconds
Fitzgald Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Fitzgald Belt
- Event: reward from completing all Definite Strikes from the Fitzgald region
  • reduces stagger from enemy physical attacks by 0.06 seconds
  • reduces stagger from enemy spells by 0.13 seconds
Calvalese Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Calvalese Belt
- Event: reward from completing all Definite Strikes from the Calvalese region
  • reduces stagger from enemy physical attacks by 0.10 seconds
  • reduces stagger from enemy spells by 0.10 seconds
Aquaveil Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Aquaveil Belt
- Event: reward from completing all Definite Strikes from the Aquaveil region
  • reduces stagger from enemy physical attacks by 0.13 seconds
  • reduces stagger from enemy spells by 0.06 seconds
Phandaria Belt Icon (ToD PS2) Phandaria Belt
- Event: reward from completing all Definite Strikes from the Phandaria region
  • reduces stagger from enemy physical attacks by 0.16 seconds
  • reduces stagger from enemy spells by 0.03 seconds
W Champion Belt Icon (ToD PS2) W. Champion Belt
"World Champion Belt"
Physical Attack +50 Event: reward from completing all Definite Strike areas
  • provides +2 Penetrate status for self against a physical attack after being hit by a physical attack
Suika Icon (ToD PS2) Suika
Vitality +25 Drop(s): Gentle Piitan
  • periodically restores food in the Food Sack

