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The following is a list of all bosses in Tales of Eternia. This list displays the statistics for all bosses on "Normal" difficulty, as they are recorded in the "Monster Collection" within the game. All numerical parameters are increased by 20% on "Hard" difficulty, and by 50% on "Hardcore" difficulty.

# Sprite Creature Name Damage Type Normal Attack
HP ATK DEF INT ACC EVA LUK Level Weight EXP Gald Dropped Items Stolen Items Location
-9999 &a &a &a &a &a -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 &a &a &a
024 Undine (ToE) Undine
Water - Lightning (30%) Water (100%)
Wind (30%)
Fire (30%)
Earth (30%)
Ice (30%)
6800 100 268 50 130 100 80 40 3 1360 0 Talisman (100%)
Mental Bracelet (100%)
- Undine Stream
040 Valkyrie (ToE) Valkyrie
- - - Physical (30%)
Water (30%)
Wind (30%)
Fire (60%)
Earth (30%)
Ice (30%)
Lightning (30%)
Light (30%)
Dark (60%)
Elemental (95%)
Time (30%)
32000 250 1000 100 400 130 120 90 1 32768 0 - - Glimmer Spire
046 Volt (ToE) Volt
Lightning Paralyze Water (100%) Physical (10%)
Wind (60%)
Fire (60%)
Earth (60%)
Ice (60%)
Lightning (100%)
Light (60%)
Dark (60%)
54321 218 508 160 400 120 80 65 4 3600 0 Holy Symbol (100%)
Rune Bottle (100%)
- Ruins of Volt
047 Sylph (ToE) Sylph
Wind Accuracy Down Earth (100%) Physical (40%)
Water (30%)
Wind (95%)
Fire (30%)
Ice (10%)
Lightning (10%)
6600 170 200 80 180 150 70 32 0 1929 0 Protect Ring (100%)
Life Bottle (100%)
- Sylph Cavern
048 Celsius (ToE) Celsius
Ice Freeze
Instant Death
Fire (20%) Physical (35%)
Water (40%)
Wind (40%)
Earth (40%)
Ice (95%)
Lightning (40%)
33333 264 300 80 186 120 80 50 1 4000 0 Resist Ring (100%)
Freeze Charm (100%)
- Mt. Celsius
051 Efreet (ToE) Efreet
Fire ? Water (50%) Wind (10%)
Fire (100%)
Earth (10%)
Ice (10%)
Lightning (10%)
24000 200 360 50 ? ? ? ? ? 2723 0 Black Onyx (100%)
Life Bottle (100%)
- Efreet Gorge
055 Maxwell (ToE) Maxwell
Elemental ? - Elemental (30%) 34000 400 2100 100 ? ? ? ? ? 34002 0 Faerie Ring (100%)
Omni Weapon (100%)
Elixir (100%) Farlos Sanctuary
059 Gnome (ToE) Gnome
Earth ? Wind (10%) Water (70%)
Fire (70%)
Earth (100%)
Ice (70%)
Lightning (70%)
16160 150 350 100 ? ? ? ? ? 3000 2 Moon Crystal (100%)
Rune Bottle (100%)
- Mine of Gnome
070 Rassius Luine (ToE) Rassius
- ? - Water (70%)
Wind (70%)
Fire (70%)
Earth (70%)
4408 142 700 100 ? ? ? ? ? 1000 0 Heal Bracelet (100%)
Leather Cape (100%)
- Bridge of Light
073 Shadow (ToE) Shadow
Dark ? Light (50%) Water (10%)
Wind (10%)
Fire (10%)
Earth (10%)
Ice (10%)
Lightning (10%)
Dark (90%)
100324 460 400 62 ? ? ? ? ? 32768 0 Force Ring (100%)
Rune Bottle (100%)
- Shadow Cave
085 Shizel (ToE) Shizel[1]
Dark Freeze
Accuracy Down
- Physical (10%)
Water (10%)
Wind (10%)
Fire (10%)
Earth (10%)
Ice (10%)
Lightning (10%)
120000 300 0 75 150 150 120 120 5 50000 0 Smash Cape (100%)
Rune Bottle x3 (100%)
Elixir (100%)
All-Divide (100%)
- Balir Castle
Heart of Shizel's Castle
110 Hyades (ToE) 1 ??????
Fire ? - Lightning (10%) 500 65 180 35 ? ? ? ? ? 10 36 Life Bottle (100%)
Orange Gel (100%)
- Rasheans (Elder's House)
115 Sekundes (ToE) Sekundes
- ? - Water (10%)
Wind (10%)
Fire (40%)
Earth (10%)
Ice (10%)
Light (20%)
Dark (30%)
Elemental (20%)
Time (20%)
200000 620 900 100 ? ? ? ? ? 60000 0 - - Shizel's Castle
120 Rem (ToE) Rem
Light ? Dark (30%) Water (40%)
Wind (40%)
Fire (40%)
Earth (40%)
Ice (40%)
Lightning (40%)
Light (100%)
100000 500 700 125 ? ? ? ? ? 40960 0 Reflect Ring (100%)
Rune Bottle (100%)
- Regulus Knoll (crypt)
225 Hyades (ToE) 2 Hyades
- ? Light (50%) Water (20%)
Wind (20%)
Fire (20%)
Earth (20%)
Ice (20%)
Lightning (40%)
45000 500 800 100 ? ? ? ? ? 400 30 Mental Bracelet (100%)
Egg (100%)
- Imen (Library)
Nereid's Labyrinth
228 Living Armor (ToE) Living Armor
- ? - Water (50%)
Wind (10%)
Fire (50%)
Earth (10%)
Ice (10%)
Lightning (50%)
Light (10%)
Dark (50%)
Elemental (50%)
Time (50%)
200000 1580 0 100 ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 - - Nereid's Labyrinth (4th floor)
230 Cress Albane (ToE) Cress
- - - Physical (85%)
Water (85%)
Wind (90%)
Fire (90%)
Earth (85%)
Ice (85%)
Lightning (85%)
Light (85%)
Dark (85%)
Elemental (85%)
Time (85%)
9999 484 1000 100 600 140 50 90 2 10000 0 Cress' Bandana (100%) - Inferia Arena (Guest Battle)
231 Arche Klein (ToE) Arche
- - - Physical (80%)
Water (80%)
Wind (80%)
Fire (80%)
Earth (80%)
Ice (80%)
Lightning (80%)
Light (80%)
Dark (80%)
Elemental (80%)
Time (80%)
6000 300 1000 100 300 120 50 90 1 10000 0 Arche Ribbon (100%) - Inferia Arena (Guest Battle,
"Hard" difficulty or above)
232 Nereid (ToE) (Nereid)
Elemental ? - Water (40%)
Wind (40%)
Fire (40%)
Earth (40%)
Ice (40%)
Lightning (40%)
Light (40%)
Dark (40%)
Elemental (30%)
Time (40%)
300000 340 330 100 ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 - - Heart of Shizel's Castle
233 Hyades (ToE) 3 Hyades
Dark ? - Water (40%)
Wind (70%)
Fire (40%)
Earth (40%)
Ice (70%)
Lightning (40%)
Light (40%)
Dark (40%)
Elemental (20%)
Time (20%)
128000 380 800 73 ? ? ? ? ? 30000 0 - - Balir Castle (Fringe Cannon)
235 Nereid (ToE) Nereid[2]
- ? - - 300000 380 300 55 ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 - - Heart of Shizel's Castle
242 Reid Hershel (ToE) Hershel
- ? - - 840 120 120 100 ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 - - Nostos Cave (First Trial of Seyfert)
243 Keele Zeibel (ToE) Zeibel
- ? - - 540 110 90 112 ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 - - Nostos Cave (First Trial of Seyfert)
254 Nereid Regulus (ToE) (Nereid)
- ? - Water (20%)
Wind (20%)
Fire (20%)
Earth (20%)
Ice (20%)
Lightning (20%)
Light (20%)
Dark (20%)
Elemental (20%)
Time (20%)
160000 500 900 100 ? ? ? ? ? 63000 0 Hourglass (70%)
Reverse Doll (70%)
Rune Bottle (20%) Nereid's Labyrinth
255 Nereid Regulus (ToE) Nereid[2]
- ? - - 160000 380 300 50 ? ? ? ? ? 60000 0 - - Nereid's Labyrinth
9999 ~z ~z ~z ~z ~z 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 ~z ~z ~z


  1. Shizel is encountered in battle twice, granting different drops during each encounter while her statistics remain identical. She is given only a single entry in the "Monster Collection" within the game, showing her drops during her final encounter with the party. But she can be optionally defeated at Balir Castle, dropping the "Smash Cape" and three "Rune Bottle" items.
  2. 2.0 2.1 This shadow of Nereid cannot be targeted or damaged by the party. It acts independently of the body that Nereid controls, and it has its own statistics which modify its damage output. It is defeated only when the controlled body is defeated.

