The following is a list of discovery points that can be found in Tales of Graces and are recorded in the Discovery Book within the game. Discoveries are landmarks scattered around the world that sometimes yield items. Most discoveries come with a skit attached to them, some of them leading to spar battles with other members of the party. All discoveries that are exclusive to the PlayStation 3 version of the game are highlighted with a gray background.
# |
Discovery Point Name |
Item Yield |
Location |
01 | Apple Trees リンゴの木 Ringo no Ki |
Apple | Lhant |
02 | Lord Windegarde 守護風伯 Shugofuuhaku |
- | Lhant |
03 | Family Portrait 絵画 Kaiga "Painting" |
- | Lhant |
04 | Gel Seeds グミの実 Gummy no Mi |
Gel Seed | West Lhant Road |
05 | Cryas Shards 煇石の欠片 Cryas no Kakera |
- | East Lhant Highroad |
06 | Spring of Healing 癒しの湧き水 Iyashi no Wakimizu |
- | Lhant Hill |
07 | Abandoned Nest 何かの巣跡 Nanika no Suato |
- | Lhant Hill |
08 | Friendship Tree 誓いの木 Chikai no Ki "Oath Tree" |
- | Lhant Hill |
09 | Windor Cows ウィンドル牛 Window Ushi |
Milk | East Lhant Highroad |
10 | Gloandi 大翠緑石 |
- | Barona |
11 | Water of Absolution 免罪の水 Menzai no Mizu |
Water of Absolution | Barona |
12 | Morino Flowers モリノ花 Morino Hana |
Morino Flower | Orlen Woods |
13 | Tea Fields 茶畑 Chabatake |
Tea Leaves | North Barona Road |
14 | Ice Pops アイスキャンディー Ice Candy |
- | Barona |
15 | Headmaster's Bust 伝説の校長の像 Densetsu no Kouchou no Zou |
- | Barona |
16 | Glintsoul Colony 光霊蟲の棲家 Koureichuu no Sumika |
- | Seaside Cavern |
17 | Deathglow Algae 毒海草 Doku Kaisou |
Deathglow Algae | Seaside Cavern |
18 | Vestiges of War 争いの名残り Arasoi no Nagori |
- | North Lhant Road |
19 | Massive Skeleton 大きな何かの骨 Ookina Nanika no Hone |
- | Barona Catacombs |
20 | Puffpetal Down 風船花の綿毛 Fuusenhana no Watage |
Puffpetal Down | South Barona Highroad |
21 | Projection Device 映像装置 Eizousouchi |
- | Wallbridge Ruins |
22 | Silent Stone 寡黙な石 Kamokuna Ishi |
- | Wallbridge Ruins |
23 | Potatoes ジャガイモ Jagaimo |
Potato | Gralesyde Highroad |
24 | Bells of Glory 栄光の鐘 Eikou no Kane |
- | Gralesyde |
25 | Message in a Bottle 流れ着いた手紙 Nagaretsuita Tegami |
- | Gralesyde |
26 | Carrots ニンジン Ninjin |
Carrot | Old Grale Highroad |
27 | 300 Year-Old Barrel 三百年樽 San-hyaku-nen Taru |
- | Wallbridge |
28 | Graves of the Unsung 名もなき者の墓標 Namonakimono no Bohyou |
- | Barona Cacatombs |
29 | Twin Vases ふたつの壺 Futatsu no Tsubo |
- | Barona Castle |
30 | First Flag はじまりの国旗 Hajimari no Kokki |
- | Barona Castle |
31 | Stone of Truth 真実の岩 Shinjitsu no Iwa |
Truth Salt | Oul Raye |
32 | Strahtan Cacti ストラタサボテン Strahta Saboten |
Strahtan Cactus | Strahta Craglands |
33 | Daunting Book お硬い本 O-katai-hon |
Torn Page | Sable Izolle |
34 | Somnosphere 睡魔球 Suimakyuu |
- | Sable Izolle |
35 | Golden Smile 金色の微笑み Kin'iro no Hohoemi |
- | Inside the Rockgagong |
36 | Enormous Egg 最大最硬単細胞 Saidai Saikata Tansaibou |
- | Inside the Rockgagong |
37 | Desert Bananas デザートバナナ Desert Banana |
Banana | Strahta Desert (East) |
38 | Great Fountain 大噴水 Daifunsui |
- | Yu Liberte |
39 | No-Sweat Snowman 快適deスノーマン Kaiteki de Snowman |
- | Yu Liberte |
40 | Sand People 砂人 Sunabito |
- | Strahta Desert (West) |
41 | Ancient Embers 古代の残り火 Kodai no Nokoribi |
Torchflame | Strahta Desert Ruins |
42 | Duplemar 大蒼海石 |
- | Strahta Desert Ruins |
43 | Dried-Up Well カラ井戸 Kara Ido |
Truth Salt | Strahta Desert (North) |
44 | Annals of Victory 戦士の記憶 Senshi no Kioku |
- | Warrior's Roost |
45 | Peach Tree モモの木 Momo no Ki |
Peach | Fendel Borderlands |
46 | Kaigar's Script カイガの台本 Kaiga no Daihon |
Kaigar's Script | Velanik |
47 | Frozen Tree 氷樹 Hyouju |
- | Fendel Mountain Pass |
48 | Cabbages キャベツ Cabbage |
Cabbage | Fendel Highlands |
49 | Bottomless Pipe そこの見えない土管 Soko no Mienai Dokan |
- | Zavhert |
50 | Doll-Within-A-Doll マトリョーシカ風置物 Matryoshka-fuu Okimono |
- | Zahvert |
51 | Radishes ダイコン Daikon |
Radish | Mt. Zavhert |
52 | Pumpkins カボチャ Kabocha |
Pumpkin | Mt. Zavhert |
53 | Chocolate Fountain チョコレートの噴水 Chocolate no Funsui |
Chocolate | Amarcian Enclave |
54 | Robo-Pet ロボットペット Robot Pet |
- | Amarcian Enclave |
55 | Eleth Recharger 原素再装填装置 Haramoto Saisoutensouchi |
- | Fendel Research Lab |
56 | Profane Creation 冒涜の手中 Boutoku no Shuchuu |
- | Fendel Research Lab |
57 | Frozen Nest 氷の巣 Koori no Su |
- | Fendel Tower |
58 | Treasure Trove 宝の山 Takara no Yama |
Common Metal | Fendel Tower |
59 | Rainbow Ice Pillar 虹の氷柱 Niji no Tsurara File: Ic.cle| Fendel Glacier Ruins | ||
60 | {{H|Forbrannir|大紅蓮石 | - | Fendel Glacier Ruins |
61 | Icedrop Flowers 氷沈花 Hyouchinka |
- | Untrodden Snowfield |
62 | Yearning for Home 故郷への思い Furusato e no Omoi |
- | Snowshroud Ruins |
63 | Mechanical Scrapyard 朽ちた機械の墓場 Kuchita Kikai no Hakaba |
Rare Metal | Snowshroud Ruins |
64 | Tempus Aeturnum 久遠の刻 Kudou no Koku |
- | Telos Astue |
65 | Emerald Hope 緑の希望 Midori no Kibou |
- | Telos Astue |
66 | Giant Tub 大きなオケ Ookina Oke |
- | Telos Astue |
67 | Old Toy Blocks 古ぼけた積み木 Furuboketa Tsumiki |
- | Humanoid Research Center |
68 | Tarlow-X タルロウX |
- | Humanoid Research Center |
69 | Secret Fort 秘密基地 Himitsu Kichi |
- | Region 13 |
70 | Unsettling Garden 叶わぬ願い Kanawanunegai |
Lump of Clay | Region 66 |
71 | Military Insignia 階級章 Kaikyuu Fumi |
- | Bathus Citadel |
72 | Amarcian Key アンマルチアの鍵 Amarcia no Kagi |
- | Bathus Citadel |
73 | Heart of Stone 石の心臓 Ishi no Shinzou |
Legendary Metal | World's Eye |
74 | Gigantic Drill 巨大ドリル Kyodai Drill |
- | Ghardia Shaft |
75 | The Forgotten Ones 忘れられた存在 Wasurerareta Sonzai |
- | Ghardia Shaft |
76 | Heat Ray Cannon B レーザー砲乙 Laser-hou Otsu |
- | Sandshroud Ruins |
77 | Sunscreen Rangers サンオイルスター Sun Oil Star |
- | Beach Resort |
78 | Catnip またたび Matatabi |
- | Katz Corner |
79 | The Lords' Memorial 領主の墓 Ryoushu no Haka |
- | Lhant |
80 | Eloquent Stone 雄弁な石 Yuubenna Ishi |
- | Gustworks Ruins |
81 | Gustworks Core 風機の礎 Kaze-ki no Ishizue |
- | Gustworks Ruins |
82 | Core-Sample Log サンプル観察記録 Sample Kansatsu Kiroku |
- | Eleth Research Laboratory |
83 | Eradication Bloom 害虫駆除花 Gaichuu Kujo Hana |
- | Arcadia Garden |
84 | Mining Samples 採掘跡 Saikutsu Ato |
- | Lastalia Shaft |
85 | Data Transmitter 観測装置 Kansoku Souchi |
- | Lastalia Shaft |
- Tales of Graces f (PS3) FAQ/Walkthrough by Shinarouji GameFAQs (2012-03-29) Retrieved on 2012-03-29.
- [JP] ディスカバリー テイルズ オブ グレイセス f まとめWiki (2016) Retrieved on 2016-02-08.