This article is based on information from Japanese-only media. The following content has not been released in the English language, so details are subject to change at any given time. |
Hikuwaza (援技 - "Support Artes")[]
It is possible to call characters from other games, both previous Tales games and other Namco franchises, to take part in battle for a single attack. They can be summoned after acquiring one of their personal items, commonly obtained after completing a Spir Maze or a sidequest. After completing the game, these items can be obtained through the Grade Shop. Each item costs 500 Grade if it has not been obtained during previous playthroughs.
Tales Series Characters[]
Tokugi (特技 - "Base Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Damage Type | Total Damage (%) | Damage Modifier (per hit) | Max Hits | CG Cost | Support Item |
Majinken 魔神剣 (Demon Fang) |
- | - | Slash | 320 | 0.80 | 4 | 15 | Mikkousha no Yoroi 密航者の鎧 "Stowaway's Armor" |
| ||||||||
Robber Item ローバーアイテム (Thievery) |
Steal Item | - | Slash Shot |
320 | 1.60 | 2 | 15 | Kurokawa no Choker 黒革のチョーカー "Black Leather Choker" |
| ||||||||
Kuuha Tokkoudan 空破特攻弾 (Cyclone Shot) |
- | - | Slash Strike |
430 | 1.43 | 3 | 20 | Aoi Scarf 青いスカーフ "Azure Scarf" |
| ||||||||
Spiral Driver スパイラルドライバー |
- | - | Slash Strike |
680 | 1.13 | 6 | 30 | Aoi Scarf 青いスカーフ "Azure Scarf" |
| ||||||||
Senretsu Kokousen 千裂虚光閃 (Deadly Descent) |
- | - | Slash | 430 | 0.72 | 6 | 20 | Kamen no Younamono 仮面のようなもの "Thing That Looks Like a Mask" |
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Kogarenzan 虎牙連斬 (Tiger Rage) |
Knockdown | - | Slash | 430 | 1.08 | 4 | 20 | Makka na Boots 真っ赤なブーツ "Deep Red Boots" |
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Kogetsusen 弧月閃 (Crescent Strike) |
- | - | Slash Strike |
210 | 1.05 | 2 | 10 | Akai Hougyoku no Brooch 赤い宝玉のブローチ "Red Jewel Brooch" |
| ||||||||
Shougetsusousen 翔月双閃 (Dual Crescent Strike) |
Knockdown | - | Slash Strike |
430 | 143 | 3 | 20 | Akai Hougyoku no Brooch 赤い宝玉のブローチ "Red Jewel Brooch" |
| ||||||||
Keigan Sairakugeki 軽岩砕落撃 (Ground Slam) |
Knockdown | - | Strike | 320 | 0.80 | 4 | 15 | Neji no Tebukuro 螺子の手袋 "Screw Glove" |
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Sousenga 双旋牙 (Dual Punishment) |
- | - | Strike | 210 | 0.53 | 4 | 10 | Bukimi na Ningyou 不気味な人形 "Weird Doll" |
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Akisazame 秋沙雨 (Sword Rain: Alpha) |
Knockdown | - | Slash Strike Shot |
680 | 0.76 | 9 | 30 | Shiyounen no Vest 使用人のベスト "Servant's Vest" |
| ||||||||
Pierces Line ピアシスライン (Piercing Line) |
- | - | Shot | 210 | 1.05 | 2 | 10 | Yamabuki-iro no Tie 山吹色のタイ "Bright Yellow Tie" |
| ||||||||
Beast Blow ビーストブロウ (Beastly Blow) |
Knockdown | - | Strike | 550 | 2.75 | 2 | 25 | Shiroi Muffler 白いマフラー "White Muffler" |
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Houshoushuuzan 崩昇襲斬 |
Knockdown | - | Slash Strike |
430 | 2.15 | 2 | 20 | Ooki na Tsurugi 大きな剣 "Great Sword" |
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Ensenga 円閃牙 (Shining Fang) |
- | - | Slash | 320 | 0.64 | 5 | 15 | Vesperia no Udewa 明星の腕輪 "Vesperia Bangle" |
| ||||||||
Resshouyoku 裂翔翼 (Avenging Angel) |
Knockdown | - | Slash Shot |
430 | 4.30 | 1 | 20 | Mou Hitotsu no Wahrheit もう一つのバルハイト "Another Wahrheit" |
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Corun Ryuusei Otoshi コラン流星落し |
Knockdown | - | Strike | 900 | 9.00 | 1 | 30 | Tate Roll 縦ロール "Vertical Roll" |
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Quill Bunker クイルバンカー |
- | - | Strike Shot |
680 | 3.40 | 1 | 30 | Tsumi to X 罪 to × "Sin to X" |
Shinengi (思念技 - "Elemental Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Damage Type | Total Damage (%) | Damage Modifier (per hit) | Max Hits | CG Cost | Support Item |
Groovy Arche GROOVYアーチェ |
- | Fire Water Light |
Shot | 430 | 1.08 | 4~5 | 20 | Saddle Tsuki no Broom サドル付きのホウキ "Broom with a Saddle" |
| ||||||||
Kyokkouheki 極光壁 (Aurora Wall) |
- | Light | - | 680 | 0.68 | 10 | 30 | Shounen Ryoushi no Hen na Tekkou 少年猟師の変な手甲 "Young Hunter's Strange Gauntlet" |
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Final Prayer ファイナルプレイヤー (Final Player) |
- | Light | - | 680 | 0.68 | 10 | 30 | Aoi Scarf 青いスカーフ "Azure Scarf" |
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Force Flame F・フレイム |
- | Fire | - | 430 | 4.30 | 1 | 20 | Totte Tsuki no Tsue 取っ手付きの棒 "Sticks with Handles" |
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Hiou Goushouga 緋桜轟衝牙 |
- | Earth | Strike | 430 | 0.72 | 6 | 20 | Kin-iro no Hitate 金色の額あて "Golden Headband" |
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X-BUSTER Xバスター (Cross Buster) |
- | Light | - | 680 | 0.49 | 14 | 30 | Bukimi na Ningyou 不気味な人形 "Weird Doll" |
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Tide Bullet タイドバレット (Arc Fire) |
- | Water | Shot | 210 | 0.30 | 7 | 10 | Gun Holder ガンホルダー |
Kaifuku Shinenjutsu (回復思念術 - "Healing Elemental Magic")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Damage Type | Total Damage (%) | Damage Modifier (per hit) | Max Hits | Casting Time (seconds) | CG Cost | Support Item |
Raise Dead レイズデッド (Resurrection) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | 3.3 | 70 | Tairin no Kamikazari 大輪の髪飾り "Large Hair Accessory" |
Kougeki Shinenjutsu (攻撃思念術 - "Offensive Elemental Magic")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Damage Type | Total Damage (%) | Damage Modifier (per hit) | Max Hits | Casting Time (seconds) | CG Cost | Support Item |
Ignite Prison イグニートプリズン (Infernal Prison) |
- | Fire | - | 680 | 0.76 | 9 | 5.0 | 30 | Intelli Megane インテリメガネ "Intelli Glasses" |
Characters from other Namco franchises[]
Tokugi (特技 - "Base Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Damage Type | Total Damage (%) | Damage Modifier (per hit) | Max Hits | CG Cost | Support Item |
Wagyanizer ワギャナイザー |
- | - | - | 430 | 1.43 | 3 | 20 | Denchi 電池 "Battery" |
| ||||||||
Kawarawari Soushou 瓦割り槍掌 (Hammer Punch) |
Knockdown | - | Strike | 550 | 1.38 | 4 | 25 | Aka Obi 赤帯 "Red Belt" |
| ||||||||
- | - | Shot | 550 | 0.29 | 19 | 25 | Chitsujo no Hakuseibo 秩序の白聖母 "Order of the White Holy Mother" |
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High Touch ハイタッチ |
Knockdown | - | Strike | 430 | 4.30 | 1 | 20 | Pink no Ishou ピンクの衣装 "Pink Clothing" |
Shinengi (思念技 - "Elemental Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Damage Type | Total Damage (%) | Damage Modifier (per hit) | Max Hits | CG Cost | Support Item |
Chrome no Maken クロムの魔剣 |
- | Light | Shot | 550 | 1.10 | 5 | 25 | Aosuishou no Tsue 青水晶の杖 "Blue Crystal Rod" |
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Kazedama 風だま |
Knockdown | Wind | - | 320 | 1.60 | 2 | 15 | Kaze no Boushi 風の帽子 "Wind Cap" |
| ||||||||
- | Fire | Shot | 320 | 3.20 | 1 | 15 | Chitsujo no Hakuseibo 秩序の白聖母 "Order of the White Holy Mother" |
Kougeki Shinenjutsu (攻撃思念術 - "Offensive Elemental Magic")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Damage Type | Total Damage (%) | Damage Modifier (per hit) | Max Hits | Casting Time (seconds) | CG Cost | Support Item |
Cyclone サイクロン |
Knockdown | Wind | - | 680 | 0.68 | 10 | 4.8 | 30 | Senotome no Hane Tsuki Kabuto 戦乙女の羽付き兜 "Battle Maiden's Feathered Helmet" |
- [JP] 援技 テイルズ オブ ハーツ 攻略まとめWiki (2010) Retrieved on 2010-01-18.
- Tales of Hearts Discussion/Speculation Namco Tales Series Forums (2008-11-15) Retrieved on 2008-11-15.
- Tales of Hearts (Spoiler Thread) Namco Tales Series Forums (2008-12-15) Retrieved on 2008-12-19.
- Tales of Hearts (NDS) - FAQ/Walkthrough by Kouli Abyssal Chronicles (2009-02-04) Retrieved on 2010-02-01.
- (2009-04-09) Tales of Hearts Perfect Guide. Enterbrain. ISBN 9784757748163.