This article is based on information from Japanese-only media. The following content has not been released in the English language, so details are subject to change at any given time. |
The following is a list of all artes available to Karia Nevan in Tales of the Rays. Due to the mobile, online nature of the game, this page may not be complete due to limited edition items or items added in future releases. Upgrades to the artes are unlocked at the weapon shop in exchange for Anima Orbs of the corresponding arte type.
Jutsuwaza (術技 - "Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | Arte Type | Casting Time (seconds) | CC Cost | Weapon |
Kyoutenshin 鏡転身 |
- | - | 195 | 2 | Bash | - | 3 | ??? (★3) ラブトデセオ (★3) |
| ||||||||
Kyoushoumujin 鏡翔霧刃 |
- | Water | 230 (253) |
2 | Shot | - | 4 | ??? (★4) ハージェス・プーロ (★4) |
| ||||||||
Zeppuutenshin 絶風転身 |
Fatigue | Wind | 240 | 4 | Slash | - | 4 | Eternitus Confide (★0) エタニタスコンフィード (★0) |
| ||||||||
Shungenren 瞬幻連 |
- | - | 250 | 3 | Slash | - | 4 | ??? (★3) カラクテル・オネット (★3) |
| ||||||||
Kyousanouha 鏡散虹破 |
- | Light | 380 (418) |
1 | Slash | - | 5 | ??? (★4) エモニクオーレ (★4) |
| ||||||||
Genkyousen 幻鏡閃 |
- | Light | 405 | 3 | Spell | - | 6 (5) |
??? (★5) 我が主の為に カーリア (★5) |
| ||||||||
Kyoujinshou 鏡迅衝 |
Knockdown Stand Up |
Light | 475 | 3 | Slash | - | 6 (4) |
5th Anniversary Karia (★5) 5th Anniversary カーリャ (★5) |
| ||||||||
Mirrage Pillar ミラージュピラー |
- | Light | 510 | 2 | Spell | 2.00 | 5 | Agnos (★3) アグノス (★3) |
| ||||||||
Azure Sphere アズールスフィア |
- | Water | 690 (828) |
2 | Spell | 2.00 | 5 | ??? (★5) 食べ尽くす夏 カーリャ (★5) |
| ||||||||
Burst Vision バーストビジョン |
Stand Up | Fire | 725 | 4 | Spell | 2.20 | 6 | ??? (★5) 元鏡精 カーリャ (★5) |
| ||||||||
Cool Leash クールリーシュ |
- | Water | 755 (830) |
6 | Spell | 3.60 | 7 | ??? (★5) 輝く歌声 カーリャ (★5) |
| ||||||||
Medical Shell メディカルシェル |
- | - | 26 (31) (Healing) |
- | Spell | 3.50 (3.15) |
6 (5) |
??? (★4) アムール・マルルー (★4) |
Higi (秘技 - "Master Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | Casting Time (seconds) | CC Cost | Requirements |
Genkyoumirei 幻鏡深霊 |
Stand Up | Light | 610 | 10 | - | 16 (15) |
Kyoujinrenshou 鏡迅蓮衝 |
Stand Up | Light | 1170 | 7 | - | 16 (14) |
Septic Shower セプティックシャワー |
Stand Up | Water | 1360 (1632) |
8 | 2.00 | 15 |
Burst Mirrage バーストミラージュ |
Stand Up | Fire | 1400 | 7 | 2.20 | 16 |
Cool Sanction クールサンクション |
- | Water | 1400 (1540) |
12 | 3.60 | 17 |
Zero Jutsuwaza (零術技 - "Zero Artes")[]
Zero artes are activated when the original arte undergoes Zero Shift. There are two requirements: the current chain must include at least two normal attacks or the enemy is inflicted with the listed status ailment. Meeting either requirements allows the original arte to undergo Zero Shift once per chain. Meeting both requirements allows the Zero Shift to occur multiple times per chain. Activating Zero Shift restores the CC used to perform the zero arte.
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | Casting Time (seconds) | CC Cost | Status Ailment | Original Arte |
Messhoutenshin 滅焼転身 |
- | Fire | 490 | 5 | - | 4 | Fatigue | Zeppuutenshin 絶風転身 |
Makyougi (魔鏡技 - "Mirrage Artes")[]
Arte Name | Type | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | MG Cost | Mirrage |
Reika Kyouenjin 麗華鏡炎陣 |
Reward | Knockdown | Fire | 700 | 7 | 100 | Tir Na Nog no Moto Kyousei ティル・ナ・ノーグの元鏡精 "Former Mirrite of Tir Na Nog" |
| |||||||
Fairy's Requiem フェアリーズレクイエム |
Normal | ? | Fire | 1300 (1495) |
8 | 100 | Sensen Fukoku 宣戦布告 "Declaration of War" |
| |||||||
Flowing Kettle フロウイングケトル |
Seasonal | ? | Water | 820 (902) |
6 | 80 | ??? 楽しき水かけっこ |
| |||||||
Reiki Zankyouka 冷帰散響歌 |
Collab | Timed Stop | Water | 895 (984) |
3 | 110 | ??? 星巡るアイドル |
Crossover Makyougi (クロスオーバー魔鏡技 - "Crossover Mirrage Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | Partner | MG Cost | Mirrage |
Kochi Kochi Hammer コチコチハンマー (Frozen Hammer) |
? | Water Earth |
1170 (1696) |
3 | Rinwell | 100 | ??? 集え冷気 |
| |||||||
Belief Ignition ビリーフイグニッション |
Knockdown | Dark Fire |
1275 (1848) |
14 | Mileena Weiss | 100 | ??? 信頼が紡ぐ炎 |
- [JP] カーリャ・Nのカスタム衣装や魔鏡の詳細情報 テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ攻略まとめWiki (2019) Retrieved on 2019-12-25.