The following is a list of all mirrages in Tales of the Rays whose intended users originate from Tales of Xillia 2. Due to the mobile, online nature of the game, this page may not be complete due to limited edition items or items added in future releases. All Reward-type mirrages can also be bought from Turtlez Shop, while mirrages of other types are acquired through gacha. Items highlighted with a gray background have not been localized.
Tales of Phantasia |
Tales of Destiny |
Narikiri Dungeon |
Tales of Eternia |
Tales of Destiny 2 | ||||||||||
Tales of Symphonia |
Tales of Rebirth |
Tales of Legendia |
Tales of the Abyss |
Tales of the Tempest | ||||||||||
Tales of Innocence |
Dawn of the New World |
Tales of Vesperia |
Tales of Hearts |
Tales of Graces | ||||||||||
Tales of Xillia |
Tales of Xillia 2 |
Tales of Zestiria |
Tales of Berseria |
Radiant Mythology | ||||||||||
Tales of Link |
Tales of Asteria |
Tales of the Rays |
Collaborations | Compilation |
Mirrage Name | Type | Mirrage Arte | Acquisition Method | |||
Name | Elemental Attributes | MG Cost | User | |||
Swordsman of Auldrant オールドラントの剣士 Auldrant no Kenshi |
Reward | Light Blast 翔破裂光閃 Shouha Rekkousen |
Light | 100 | Luke |
Luke's Resolve ルークの決意 Luke no Ketsui |
Normal | Dominion Strike 滅覇皇迅撃 Meppa Koujingeki |
Fire | 100 | Luke | |
Mirai wa Eraberu 未来は選べる "The Future Can Be Chosen" |
Battle | Kouga Tenshouzan 皇牙転生斬 |
Earth | 100 | Luke | |
??? 確固たる自信 |
Seasonal | Biting Burst バイティングバースト |
Dark | 80 | Luke | |
Fonist of Auldrant オールドラントの音律士 Auldrant no Crooner "Crooner from Auldrant" |
Reward | Grand Cross グランドクロス |
Light | 100 | Tear |
Battle of Eldrant Eve エルドラント突入前夜 Eldrant Totsunyuu Zen'ya "Eve of Eldrant Entry" |
Normal | Arcana Symphony アルカナシンフォニー |
Light | 100 | Tear | |
Lorelei no Kishi ローレライの騎士 "Knight of Lorelei" |
Battle | Harmonize Score ハーモナイズ・スコア |
Light | 130 | Tear | |
Kansha no Kimochi 感謝の気持ち "Gratitude" |
Seasonal | Heartless Fickle ハートレス・フィックル |
Fire | 80 | Tear | |
Fonic Artes-User of Auldrant オールドラントの譜術士 Auldrant no Fujutsushi |
Reward | Thunderclap Flurry 雷迅光閃招 Raijin Kousenshou |
Wind | 100 | Jade |
Jade the Necromancer 死霊使いジェイド Necromancer Jade |
Normal | Merciless Rift クラックブラスト Crack Blast |
Light | 100 | Jade | |
Yuganda Shisou 歪んだ思想 "Distorted Thoughts" |
Seasonal | L Meteor Swarm L・メテオスウォーム |
Dark | 110 | Jade | |
Auldrant no Ningyoushi オールドラントの人形士 "Puppeteer from Auldrant" |
Reward | Zan'ei Rensengeki 斬影連旋撃 (Shadow Tempest) |
Dark | 100 | Anise |
Doushi Ion no Guardian 導師イオンの守護役 "Guardian to Fon Master Ion" |
Normal | Souya Gessenga 双夜月旋牙 |
Light | 100 | Anise | |
Guardian from Auldrant オールドラントの護衛剣士 Auldrant no Go'ei Kenshi "Guardian Swordsman from Auldrant" |
Reward | Eternal Quake 裂震千衝破 Resshin Senshouha |
Earth | 100 | Guy |
The one and only friend 唯一無二のマブダチ Yuitsumuni no Mabudachi |
Normal | Snowblind Blade 朧雪斬月 Oboroyuki Zangetsu |
Water | 100 | Guy | |
Auldrant no Yumidzukai オールドラントの弓使い "Archer from Auldrant" |
Reward | Brightness Shower ブライトネス・シャワー |
Light | 100 | Natalia |
Fuan wo Norikoete 不安を乗り越えて "Overcoming Anxiety" |
Normal | Storm Fortress ストーム・フォートレス |
- | 100 | Natalia | |
Jun'ai no Katachi 純愛の形 "The Shape of Pure Love" |
Seasonal | Only One Shot オンリー・ワンショット |
Earth | 110 | Natalia | |
Rokushou Senketsu no Asch 六神将 鮮血のアッシュ "God General: Asch the Bloody" |
Reward | Meisoushouken 冥葬焼欠 |
Dark | 100 | Asch |
Replica to Hikensha レプリカと被験者 "Replica and Experiment Subject" |
Normal | Senmetsu Kokousen 殲滅孤光閃 |
Dark | 100 | Asch | |
??? 精一杯の気持ち |
Seasonal | Exclusion Clog エクスクルージョン・クロッグ |
Earth | 110 | Asch | |
Rokujinshou Reppuu no Synch 六神将 烈風のシンク "God General: Synch the Gale" |
Reward | Rekkuu Shunsenbu 裂空瞬閃舞 |
Wind | 100 | Sync |
Doushi no Replica 導師のレプリカ "Replica of the Fon Master" |
Normal | Secret Doctrine シークレット・ドクトリン |
Dark | 100 | Sync | |
??? 冷酷な暗殺者 |
Seasonal | Broken Vase ブロウクン・ヴェイス |
Earth | 80 | Sync |