This article is based on information from Japanese-only media. The following content has not been released in the English language, so details are subject to change at any given time. |
The following is a list of all artes available to Ras in Tales of the Rays. Due to the mobile, online nature of the game, this page may not be complete due to limited edition items or items added in future releases. Upgrades to the artes are unlocked at the weapon shop in exchange for Anima Orbs of the corresponding arte type.
Jutsuwaza (術技 - "Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | Arte Type | Casting Time (seconds) | CC Cost | Weapon |
Reikoujin 怜光陣 |
- | Light | 45 | 4 | Spell | - | 8 (7) |
??? (★5) 光を求める剣士 レイス (★5) |
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Fuujinken 風神剣 (Hurricane Thrust) |
- | Wind | 240 | 1 | Slash | - | 4 | Knight Saber E (★3) ナイトサーベル・E (★3) |
| ||||||||
Zan'yokusen 残翼閃 |
- | Wind | 260 | 1 | Slash | - | 4 | Saint Rapier (★3) セイントレイピア (★3) |
| ||||||||
Fuuraijinken 風雷神剣 (Super Lightning Blade) |
- | Water Wind |
315 | 3 | Slash | - | 5 | Saint Saber (★4) セイントサーベル (★4) |
| ||||||||
Dankuuken 断空剣 (Severing Wind) |
Aerial HP Recovery |
Wind | 330 | 4 | Slash | - | 5 | ??? (★5) 元老騎士の剣技 レイス (★5) |
| ||||||||
Senpuuga 尖風雅 |
HP Recovery | Wind | 345 (449) |
2 | Slash | - | 5 | Silver Rapier E (★3) シルバーレイピア・E (★3) |
| ||||||||
Souryuu Rengazan 爪竜連牙斬 (Dragon Swarm) |
HP Recovery | - | 350 | 4/4 | Slash | - | 5 | Royal Saber (★4) ロイヤルサーベル (★4) |
| ||||||||
Hisenyoku 秘穿翼 |
- | Wind | 420 (462) |
4 | Slash | - | 6 | ??? (★5) 夏祭りのお土産 レイス (★5) |
| ||||||||
Akisazame 秋沙雨 (Sword Rain: Alpha) |
Aerial | Water | 435 | 9 | Slash | - | 7 | Estoc E (★4) エストック・E (★4) |
| ||||||||
Souryuu Zankouken 爪竜斬光剣 (Dragon Flash) |
- | Light | 510 (561) |
5 | Slash | - | 7 (6) |
??? (★5) 博学多才な商人 レイス (★5) |
Higi (秘技 - "Master Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | Casting Time (seconds) | CC Cost | Requirements |
Reikoujunjin 怜光盾陣 |
Stand Up | Light | 745 | 5 | - | 18 (17) |
Dankuu Senpuujin 断空旋風陣 |
Stand Up Aerial HP Recovery |
Wind | 1040 | 10 | - | 15 |
Hisenshouyoku 秘穿翔翼 |
Stand Up | Wind | 1155 (1386) |
9 | - | 16 |
Shouryuu Zankousen 翔竜残光閃 |
Stand Up | Light | 1160 (1276) |
7 | - | 17 (16) |
Makyougi (魔鏡技 - "Mirrage Artes")[]
Arte Name | Type | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | MG Cost | Mirrage |
Shouou Zekkuushou 翔凰絶空衝 |
Reward | ? | Wind | 700 | 6 | 100 | ??? インフェリアの元老騎士 "Senior Knight of Inferia" |
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Infinity Shell インフィニティ・シェル |
Normal | Knockdown P.DEF Up |
- | 1110 | 10 | 100 | ??? スマートな手助け |
| |||||||
Ryoukakenran 涼夏絢爛 |
Seasonal | Poison | Water | 1040 (1351) |
5 | 80 | ??? 夏の夜に咲く花 |
Crossover Makyougi (クロスオーバー魔鏡技 - "Crossover Mirrage Artes")[]
Arte Name | Enabled Effects | Elemental Attributes | Power | Max Hits | Partner | MG Cost | Mirrage |
Kyokkousousen 極光創穿 |
? | Light | 1325 (1921) |
13 | Reid Hershel | 100 | ??? 守り貫く極光 |
- [JP] レイスのカスタム衣装や魔鏡の詳細情報 テイルズ オブ ザ レイズ攻略まとめWiki (2020) Retrieved on 2020-11-10.