Aselia Wiki
This article is based on information from Japanese-only media.
The following content has not been released in the English language, so details are subject to change at any given time.
Vicious Icon (TotR)

The following is a list of all artes available to Vicious in Tales of the Rays. Due to the mobile, online nature of the game, this page may not be complete due to limited edition items or items added in future releases. Upgrades to the artes are unlocked at the weapon shop in exchange for Anima Orbs of the corresponding arte type.

Jutsuwaza (術技 - "Artes")[]

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Power Max Hits Arte Type Casting Time (seconds) CC Cost Weapon
Tiger Fang
(Tiger's Fang)
Stand Up Earth 215
2 Shot - 3 Automatic (★3)
オートマチック (★3)
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 10%
  2. prevents stagger if hit by a projectile during execution
  3. increases damage dealt by 10%
  4. increases activation invincibility duration by 0.17 seconds
  5. increases damage dealt by 10%
  6. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 20%
Line Split
- Earth 300 2 Shot - 4 Wraith Revolver (★3)
レイスリボルバー (★3)
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  2. increases area of effect by 10%
  3. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  4. increases area of effect by 10%
  5. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  6. increases movement distance by 30%
Spin Pierce
- - 320 1 Shot - 3 Wall Break (★3)
ウォールブレイク (★3)
(Silver Mattock (★3))
  • Upgrades:
  1. heals HP by 8% of damage dealt
  2. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  3. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  4. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  5. increases damage dealt by 8%
  6. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 20%
Acro Bullet
- Wind 360 5/2 Shot - 5 ??? (★5)
踊れ血に塗れ ヴィシャス (★5)
  • alters into Stunt Bullet when standing still or moving
  • Upgrades:
  1. enables aerial use
  2. increases master arte area of effect by 10%
  3. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  4. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  5. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  6. enables linking to a normal attack once per chain
Second Chaser
- Earth 475 4 Shot - 5 Kutuni (★4)
クトゥニ (★4)
  • Upgrades:
  1. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  2. increases area of effect by 10%
  3. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  4. increases area of effect by 10%
  5. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 0.10
  6. heals HP by 12% of damage dealt
Tide Bullet 1st
- Fire 440
2 Shot - 5 Ordit (★4)
オルディット (★4)
  • repeated activation results in altering this arte into Tide Bullet 2nd
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases area of effect by 10%
  2. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  3. increases area of effect by 10%
  4. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  5. increases area of effect by 10%
  6. increases damage dealt by 15%
Tide Bullet 2nd
- Fire 440
6 - - 5
Crescent Fade
- Light 440 1 Shot - 6
Fedies (★4)
フェディエス (★4)
  • this item is available via the event shop
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  2. decreases CC cost by 1
  3. increases activation invincibility duration by 0.17 seconds
  4. decreases CC cost by 1
  5. increases Critical by 1
  6. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.20 seconds
Flail Trigger
- Fire 560
6 Shot - 6 Owarinaki Itami Vicious (★5)
終わりなき痛み ヴィシャス (★5)
  • alters into Refrain Trigger when used as the sixth or later action in a chain
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases damage dealt by 10%
  2. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  3. increases damage dealt by 10%
  4. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  5. increases damage dealt by 10%
  6. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 20%

Higi (秘技 - "Master Artes")[]

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Power Max Hits Casting Time (seconds) CC Cost Requirements
Stunt Bullet
Stand Up Wind 630 10 - 15
Refrain Trigger
Stand Up Fire 1380
12 - 16

Makyougi (魔鏡技 - "Mirrage Artes")[]

Arte Name Type Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Power Max Hits MG Cost Mirrage
Supreme Rondo
Reward Knockdown Earth ?
8 100 ???
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5%
  2. heals 10% of max HP to self
  3. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10 seconds
  4. heals 10% of max HP to self
  5. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5%
Punishment Desire
(Persecution Complex)
Normal - Fire 1315
14 100 ???
  • Auto Activation: spend 90 seconds in battle, decreases to 45 seconds at max limit break
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  2. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10~0.15 seconds
  3. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  4. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.10~0.15 seconds
  5. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
Surprise Hospitality
Seasonal Knockdown
P.DEF Down
Dark 1030
13 80 ???
  • Auto Activation: spend 200 CC, decreases to 140 CC at max limit break
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  2. increases duration of effect by 5~8 seconds
  3. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  4. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  5. increases duration of effect by 5~8 seconds

