The following is a list of all ★4 weapons in Tales of the Rays whose intended users originate from Tales of Link. Due to the mobile, online nature of the game, this page may not be complete due to limited edition items or items added in future releases. Unless stated otherwise, all ★4 weapons can be bought from Turtlez shop and/or obtained via gacha. Items highlighted with a gray background have not been localized.
Tales of Phantasia |
Tales of Destiny |
Narikiri Dungeon |
Tales of Eternia |
Tales of Destiny 2 | ||||||||||
Tales of Symphonia |
Tales of Rebirth |
Tales of Legendia |
Tales of the Abyss |
Tales of the Tempest | ||||||||||
Tales of Innocence |
Dawn of the New World |
Tales of Vesperia |
Tales of Hearts |
Tales of Graces | ||||||||||
Tales of Xillia |
Tales of Xillia 2 |
Tales of Zestiria |
Tales of Berseria |
Radiant Mythology | ||||||||||
Tales of Link |
Tales of Asteria |
Tales of the Rays |
Collaborations | Compilation |
Weapon Name | Arte | Acquisition Method | ||||
Name | Elemental Attributes | Type | CC Cost | User | ||
Birthday Necklace バースデーネックレス |
Gaia Svol ガイア・スヴェル (Gaia Swell) |
Earth | Spell | 6 | Allen | |
Sanare Necklace サナーレネックレス |
Hurtless Circle ハートレスサークル (Healing Circle) |
- | Spell | 7 | Allen | |
Hope Necklace ホープネックレス |
Hope Ray ホープ・レイ |
Light | Spell | 7 | Allen | |
Divine Glimmerwind 十得輝装・神刀 Juttokukisou Shintou |
Brightflash Flurry 閃華光連刃 Senka Noureddine |
Light | Shot | 6 | Sara | |
Severlotus 犀絶蓮華 Saizetsurenka |
Swooping Ruin 空破穿翔陣 Kuuha Senshoujin |
Earth | Spell | 7 | Sara | |
Shimmergrace 雅彩連煌 Gasairenkou |
Rising Light 飛天閃 Hitensen |
Light | Slash | 5 | Sara |
Stardragon 灼星龍護 Shakuseiryuugo |
Crimson Thorns 紅臥襲鋭斬 Kouga Shuueizan |
Fire | Slash | 5 | Sara |
Innocent Petal イノセントペタル |
Hyoumessousen 氷滅蒼閃 |
Water | Slash | 5 | Kana | |
Little Blossom リトルブロッサム |
Tenraikijin 天雷輝刃 |
Light | Slash | 4 | Kana | |
Pure Spirit ピュアスピリット |
Kourenshakka 紅蓮灼火 |
Fire | Shot | 4 | Kana |
Tempest Knuckle テンペストナックル |
Crosswind クロスウィンド |
Wind | Spell | 6 | Zephyr | |
Fenrir Glove フェンリルグローブ |
Gun Stratos ガンストラトス |
Wind | Bash | 5 | Zephyr | |
Zephyrus Arms ゼフュロスアームズ |
Shake Thruster シェイクスラスター |
Wind | Bash | 6 | Zephyr |