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Shisha no Mezame (ToD PS2)

Shisha no Mezame as it appears in the PlayStation 2 remake of Tales of Destiny.

Wake the Dead (死者の目覚め Shisha no Mezame?) is a strike arte exclusive to Lilith Aileron from Tales of Destiny.

Arte Description and History[]

Wake the Dead (ToCrestoria)

Wake the Dead as it appears in Tales of Crestoria.

The user grabs a ladle and a frying pan, then bangs the ladle on the frying pan, releasing a loud noise. In Tales of Destiny 2, Rutee Katrea uses it to wake up her son, Kyle Dunamis. Rutee learned it from Lilith, who originated it and used it to wake up her brother, Stahn Aileron. In the PlayStation 2 version of Tales of Destiny, it becomes an in-battle arte for Lilith. In Tales of Crestoria, this arte inflicts Weak on all enemies for three turns.

In the second episode of Tales of Puppet, Cress Albane uses this method to wake Stahn, as does Rutee Katrea in Tales of Reading, as well as Mormo in a skit in Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles



In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]

Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut[]

Japanese Description: フライパンを打ち鳴らして音波攻撃する近所迷惑技。寝る子も起きると評判。
Translated Description (Life Bottle Productions): "Band a frying pan to attack to attack with sound waves. Wakes even the sleepiest."

Tales of the Rays[]

Japanese Description: フライパンによる音波攻撃。音を聞いた敵は状態異常から覚める迷惑技

Tales of Crestoria[]

Japanese Quote: エルロン家秘技、死者の目覚め!
