Zetsu Muhyousou (絶・霧氷装?, "Edge - Hoarfrost Raiment") is a unique Force Ability used exclusively by Veigue Lungberg from Tales of Rebirth.
Arte Description and History[]
When activated, Veigue concentrates his Force into a sheathe of ice around his blade, lending to each of his attacks the chance of freezing the enemy. This effect lasts for 15 seconds and gives the additional effect of halving Veigue's Rush Gauge upon activation, allowing him to improve his ability to regenerate HP. As with all Force Abilities, Zetsu Muhyousou can only be used when the assigned Force Gauge is completely full.
In Tales of the Rays, the animation and effect is similar in that it increases his physical attack and adds the Water element to his attacks. It also restores a small amount of his HP. If used as the sixth or later action in a chain or during Burst Limits, it alters into Houryuu Muhyouken.
Original Titles
Crossover Titles
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes[]
Tales of Rebirth[]
Japanese Description: 武器に水属性を付加し、凍結の潜在効果を 加える練術。発動時にRGが半分になる。
Tales of the Rays[]
Japanese Description:
- 自身に「水属性付与」の状態変化と物攻上昇を付与
- HPも微量回復
- 6連携目以降で発動すると秘技変化
- バーストリミッツ中は連携数省略可